MENA - Energy Indicators
Various indicators for MENA countries to get an overview of the countries energy and economic profiles. The indicators are organized in 6 categories: economic indicators, energy... -
Kenya - Power Stations
The dataset contains location of Power Stations in Kenya. It was provided by Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC). -
Kenya - Healthcare Facilities
Data on healthcare facility locations in Kenya. The dataset was provided by the Government of Kenya. -
Kenya - Schools
School locations in Kenya. It comprises Primary and Secondary Schools. The dataset was provided by Kenya Ministry of Education. -
World - High Resolution Solar Resource (GHI, DIF, GTI, DNI) GIS Data, (Global...
Developed by SOLARGIS and provided by the Global Solar Atlas (GSA), this data resource contains solar resource data for: direct normal irradiation (DNI), global horizontal... -
Kenya - Population and Household Dataset
The dataset contains Population and Household statistics for the years 2009 and 2016 as well as the enumeration areas.The dataset was provided by Kenya National Bureau of...