Congo Brazzaville - Thermal Power Plants (2019)
This data was collected during the project: Preparation of a high-level least-cost geospatial analysis for grid and off-grid electrification options Synoptic analysis of... -
InfraSAP Uruguay
Geospatial data supporting the INFCE Infrastructure Data and Diagnostics Program. A series of accessibility and travel time rasters have been derived from open-source road... -
China - Energy Saving Management Action Plan for Liaoning Safe & Sustainable ...
Report that contains energy efficiency and Non-revenue-Water target data in Shenyang, Anshan, Fushun, Fuxin and Gaizhou water companies in Liaoning Province, China. -
Democratic Republic Congo (COD) - Thermal Plants (2017)
This dataset was extracted from the geodatabase published in 2017 by Resource Matters, as an addition to the energetic sector report in COD: https://resourcematters.org/ This... -
Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy (RISE) Application
RISE is a set of indicators to help compare national policy and regulatory frameworks for sustainable energy. It assesses countries’ policy and regulatory support for each of... -
Industry Zones Ivory Coast
This shapefile contains industry zones in Ivory Coast. -
Democratic Republic Congo (COD) - Artisanal mining (2018)
The location of arthisanal mining sites was obtained from the IPIS, more information here: http://ipisresearch.be/home/conflict-mapping/maps/conflict-mapping-drc/ -
Nairobi, Kenya Water Polygons
This shapefile contains water/hydro polygons around Naiobi, Kenya. -
Global drought hazard
Water scarcity conditions are expressed in this study by means of the Water Crowding Index (WCI), i.e. the annual water availability per capita (Falkenmark, 1986; 2013). Due to... -
Karachi (Pakistan) - Land Use/Land Cover (ESA EO4SD-Urban)
Land Use / Land Cover (LULC) information product over Karachi (Pakistan) contains spatial explicit information about the different land covers / uses for current (2017) and past... -
Palau - Solar Radiation Measurement Data
Ground measured solar irradiation and meteorological data. -
Lake Victoria Basin Health Monitoring
This dataset for Lake Victoria includes the following parameters: 1. Ecological water quality parameters (including Chlorophyll-a surface concentration, Suspended Particulate... -
Nigeria Airports
Airports in Nigeria with airport name, but no additional attributes -
World - Terrain Elevation Above Sea Level (ELE) GIS Data, (Global Solar Atlas)
Developed by SOLARGIS and provided by the Global Solar Atlas (GSA), this data resource contains terrain elevation above sea level (ELE) in [m a.s.l.] covering the globe. Data is... -
Dodoma (Tanzania) - Transport Infrastructure (ESA EO4SD-Urban)
The Transport Infrastructure information products show the classification of three road types: Arterial Roads, Collector Roads and Local Roads. The Transport Infrastructure... -
Ethiopia Rivers
This shapefile contains rivers in Ethiopia. -
Global coastal flood hazard
Muis et al Coastal Flood datasets These datasets present the first global reanalysis of storm surges and extreme sea levels (GTSR data set) based on hydrodynamic modelling. GTSR... -
South Africa - Rooftop Solar Potential Mapping
This dataset contains solar rooftop potential data (suitable rooftop area, installable capacity, estimated yearly electricity generation, and building type ) at individual... -
São Tomé and Príncipe - Multi-Tier Framework (MTF) Survey
The MTF survey is a global baseline survey on household access to electricity and clean cooking, which goes beyond the binary approach to look at access as a spectrum of service... -
Ukraine - Power Plant
Data collected and prepared for a project of the World Bank Group Power Transmission Project in Support of the Energy Sector Reform & Development Program in Ukraine. This...