Nigeria - Electricity Transmission Network
Combination of the following data sources: 1) ECREEE transmission network for West Africa, online at ECOWREX 2) Data collected as input to the geospatial least-cost planning for... -
Yemen - Electricity Transmission Network
Main nodes and major lines of the electricity transmission network of Yemen. The properties for nodes are "name" and "node type" (city, town, plant, dam...). The properties for... -
Nigeria - Transmission Network
This dataset is put together by KTH Division of Energy Systems Analysis. It contains the transmission network data provided by African Development Bank and Open Street Map... -
Monrovia City (Liberia) - Existing Grid
Grid electricity distribution line data from Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) within Monrovia city. The data was originally provided by LEC- in a CAD plan dated 2012 and... -
Angola - Electricity Transmission Network
Combination of the following data sources: 1) Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD) 2009 https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/dataset/angola-electricity-transmissio... 2)... -
Ukraine - Electricity Transmission Network
Data collected and prepared for a project of the World Bank Group Power Transmission Project in Support of the Energy Sector Reform & Development Program in Ukraine. This... -
Ghana - High Resolution Wind Resource
This shapefile containing 50 meter height data has been validated by NREL and wind energy meteorological consultants. However, the data is not suitable for micro-siting... -
Senegal - Electricity Transmission Network
Combination of the following sources: 1) Data collected and prepared for a project of the World Bank Group in 2007, digitized from a PDF map. 2) ECREEE transmission network for... -
Rwanda - Electricity Transmission Network
Combination of the following data sources: 1) data collected and prepared for a project of the World Bank Group in November 2004 2) The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic... -
Liberia - Electric Transmission Line
This layer contain existing, funded and planned transmission network data gathered for the purpose of using in Liberia NEA project analysis and mapping. -
Botswana - Electricity Transmission Network
This data covers electricity transmission network in Botswana. It comes from the BPA (Bonneville Power Administration) 2006 Annual Report, supplemented by data from ESKOM... -
Tanzania - Prioritization of locations for off-grid rural electrification
The overall objective of this project is to prioritize locations for off-grid rural electrification in Tanzania. New datasets will be developed that will enable faster and more... -
Lesotho - District Boundary
This layer contains the information about the first-level administrative boundaries (Districts) in Lesotho. SOURCE: WFP Country Office, 2014 -
MENA - Electricity Transmission Network
Main nodes and major lines of the electricity transmission network of the MENA region. Interconnection lines with countries outside of the region included. The properties for... -
Eritrea - Electricity Transmission Network
Data collected and prepared for a project of the World Bank Group in May 2004. Includes transmission lines, substations, as well as power stations. Includes existing as well as... -
Morocco - Electricity Transmission Network
Extracts from World Bank Project documents. -
Jordan - Electricity Transmission Network
Main nodes and major lines of the electricity transmission network of Jordan. Interconnection lines with neighboring countries included. The properties for nodes are "name" and... -
Kuwait - Electricity Transmission Network
Main nodes and major lines of the electricity transmission network of Kuwait. Interconnection lines with neighboring countries included. The properties for nodes are "name" and... -
Congo Brazzaville - Proposal for grid extension and solar projects (2019)
This data was collected during the project: Preparation of a high-level least-cost geospatial analysis for grid and off-grid electrification options Synoptic analysis of... -
Kenya - Pipelines
Kenya pipelines