EAC-BR Auction Results
A set of auction result views which present the outcome of daily Balancing Reserve (BR) auction runs. The EAC-BR Auction Results are updated daily in the morning and are... -
Dispatch Transparency
This dataset is a component of the Forward Plan 2020-21 commitment to increase the transparency of our operational decision making in the Balancing Mechanism (BM). It includes... -
Upcoming trades
This dataset displays all upcoming electricity trades due to be delivered. To meet our forecast balancing requirements at minimum cost, we trade energy-related products. The... -
Embedded Wind and Solar Forecasts
Electricity System Operator (ESO) publishes at a half-hourly resolution the embedded (refer to embedded document for definition) wind and solar forecast from within day up to 14... -
Day Ahead Demand Forecast
This dataset contains national electricity demand forecast for day ahead as well as all historic day ahead demand forecasts. The forecast assist the industry to make efficient... -
System Inertia
This dataset contains an estimate of the outturn inertia and market provided inertia for Great Britain Transmission System. -
Historic Demand Data
This section contains historic electricity demand, interconnector, hydro storage pumping, Non-BM Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR), wind and solar outturn data. Note: We are... -
Historic GTMA (Grid Trade Master Agreement) Trades Data
This dataset contains data for historic GTMA (Grid Trade Master Agreement) trades conducted since April 2015. The data includes the trade ID, start and end time and date, the... -
Daily operational planning margin requirement (OPMR)
OPMR is the amount of generation exceeding the demand forecast needed to meet our reserve requirement. When assessing and publishing generation availability information against... -
IFA2 - NGESO's Intraday Transfer Limit
These are the values submitted by NGESO to the interconnector capacity calculation processes which restrict the maximum GB import and export interconnector flows. The values are... -
2 Day Ahead Demand Forecast
This dataset contains national electricity demand forecast for 2 days ahead as well as all historic 2 day ahead demand forecasts. The forecast assist the industry to make... -
Obligatory Reactive Power Service (ORPS)
The obligatory reactive power service (ORPS) is the provision of varying reactive power output. At any given output generators may be requested to produce or absorb reactive... -
North Sea Link - NGESO's Net Transfer Capacity
These are the values submitted by NGESO to the interconnector capacity calculation processes which restrict the maximum GB import and export interconnector flows. The values are... -
Demand Data Update
This publication is similar to "Historic Demand Data" dataset but updated on a daily basis with approximately ten days lag in receiving settlement data. In the dataset embedded... -
Static Firm Frequency Response auction results
This dataset contains the results from daily auction for static FFR and buy orders. For service requirement see this page: Static FFR Requirements -
Balancing Reserve Auction Requirement Forecast
The Balancing reserve service has been designed to secure firm positive and negative reserve on BM units at the day ahead stage. The service is procured via a daily auction at... -
Aggregated Balancing Services Adjustment Data (BSAD)
Balancing Services Adjustment Data (BSAD) is used to submit balancing actions to the Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC), which defines the rules and governance for the... -
Non-BM ancillary service dispatch platform (ASDP) instructions
The ESO publishes non-BM instruction data from our ASDP system. This data is published in near real-time from the ASDP every 30 seconds. A new monthly file is only created when... -
Daily & Weekly NRAPM (Negative Reserve Active Power Margin) Forecast
This dataset contains NRAPM (Negative Reserve Active Power Margin) forecast for Daily 2-14 days ahead and Weekly for 2-52 weeks ahead for both National and Scotland. The purpose... -
2-14 Days Ahead Demand Forecast
This dataset contains national electricity demand forecasts for 2-14 days ahead (medium term) as well as all historic 2-14 days ahead forecasts. These forecasts assist the...