Day Ahead Wind Forecast
The dataset contains national and BMU wind forecast over a day ahead timescale as well as all historic day ahead wind forecasts to assist the industry to make efficient... -
Embedded Wind and Solar Forecasts
Electricity System Operator (ESO) publishes at a half-hourly resolution the embedded (refer to embedded document for definition) wind and solar forecast from within day up to 14... -
Historic Demand Data
This section contains historic electricity demand, interconnector, hydro storage pumping, Non-BM Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR), wind and solar outturn data. Note: We are... -
Demand Data Update
This publication is similar to "Historic Demand Data" dataset but updated on a daily basis with approximately ten days lag in receiving settlement data. In the dataset embedded... -
Weekly Wind Availability
This publication displays the Electricity System Operator’s (ESO) wind generator availability in megawatt (MW) at a generator level at a weekly resolution for 2-52 weeks ahead.... -
Daily Wind Availability
This publication displays the Electricity System Operator’s (ESO) wind generator availability in megawatts (MW) at a daily resolution for 2-14 days ahead.... -
14 Days Ahead Wind Forecasts
The dataset contains national and anonymised BMU-Level 0-14 day ahead wind forecasts for all the windfarms which are used to produce ESO's national day ahead incentive wind... -
Wind BOA Volumes
This dataset contains the volumes of all BOAs taken on wind BMUs that are used in our incentive wind forecasts. -
Monthly operational metered wind output
Metered wind output in MW for Scotland, England, and Wales. Output is provided per date per settlement period. Please note that this data is from operational metering and is...