Employment status for persons with disabilities
Employment status of the civilian population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted. Connected to SDG indicator 8.5.2 - Unemployment rate, by sex, age and... -
Labor Productivity and Related Measures for Business and Nonfarm Business Sec...
Labor Productivity and Related Measures for Business and Non-farm Business Sectors, from Labor Productivity and Costs (LPC) Tables. Connected to SDG indicator 8.2.1 - Annual... -
Median Weekly Earnings of Full-time Wage and Salary Workers (by selected char...
Median weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers by selected characteristics, based on Labor Force Statistics data from the Current Population Survey. The Current... -
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data, 2011 - 2015 Connected to SDG Indicator 8.8.1 - Frequency rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries, by sex and migrant... -
Time Spent in Detailed Primary Activities - American Time Use Survey
Table from the American Time Use Survey: Time spent in detailed primary activities and percent of the civilian population engaging in each activity, averages per day on weekdays... -
Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey
Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (seasonally adjusted, total non-farm, all employees) for years 2007 - 2016. Connected to SDG... -
Employed and unemployed full- and part-time workers by age, sex, race, and Hi...
Employment status of the Hispanic or Latino population by age and sex. Data obtained from Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey. Table 4 for entire range of...