Renewable & Alternative Fuels
Find statistics on renewable energy consumption by source type, electric capacity and electricity generation from renewable sources, biomass and alternative fuels. Internet... -
Primary Energy Overview
Primary Energy Review from the Energy Information Administration's Monthly Energy Review. Connected to SDG indicator 7.2.1 - Renewable energy share in the total final energy... -
Monthly Energy Review
A publication of recent and historical energy statistics. This publication includes statistics on total energy production, consumption, and trade; energy prices; overviews of... -
Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment Mapping Tool
Beta release of atmospheric data plotted on a map of the USA. Internet Archive URL: https://web.archive.org/web/2016*/https://maps.nrel.gov/swera -
EIA Data Tools & Models
The US Energy Information Administration is committed to making its data available through an Application Programming Interface (API) to better serve our customers. APIs allows... -
Freight Volumes by Mode of Transport - Freight Analysis Framework
Freight Analysis Framework data tabulation tool to assess freight volumes by mode of transport (domestic flows moved between domestic origins and destinations). From a dataset... -
Total Energy Database - Energy Information Administration
U.S. Energy Information Administration Data Browser, providing information on total energy consumption broken down by sector (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial), type of...