81 datasets found

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution Organizations: Regional Data Hub

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  • South Australia Private Rent Report

    Data source from the South Australia Housing Authority that provides a summary of median private rent in South Australia by Suburb, Postcode, State Government Regions and Local...
  • Infrastructure Investment Program

    Data on upgrades to land transport infrastructure made through the Infrastructure Investment Program. Data provided by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional...
  • Resources and Energy Quarterly

    The Resources and Energy Quarterly (REQ) contains the Office of the Chief Economist’s forecasts for the value, volume and price of Australia’s major resources and energy...
  • The Digital Atlas of Australia

    The Digital Atlas of Australia brings together, curates and connects trusted national spatial datasets from across government into an interactive, secure, and easy-to-use online...
  • LGA Unemployment Dashboard

    This interactive dashboard presents unemployment rate estimates for Local Government Areas (LGAs) alongside corresponding state/territory and national figures. Estimates are...
  • Services Australia Office Locations

    The locations of Services Australia Service Centre locations across Australia provided in a downloadable data file (machine-readable CSV format). The data includes address,...
  • Specialist homelessness services annual report

    The specialist homelessness services annual report is created by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). It summarises the characteristics of clients receiving...
  • Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits

    Counts of Australian Businesses, including counts of actively trading businesses, rates of business entry to and business exit from the market sector of the economy and rates of...
  • Queensland Housing Profiles

    The Queensland housing profiles are developed by the Queensland Government Statistician's Office, Queensland Treasury. The user is able to generate housing profiles using recent...
  • National Health Survey

    The ABS National Health Survey presents key findings for health statistics, including long-term health conditions; mental wellbeing; and health risk factors.
  • Medicare-subsidised GP, allied health and specialist health care across local...

    The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) provides downloadable datasets covering the use of non-hospital Medicare-subsidised services, such as GP, allied health,...
  • Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced

    The ABS Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced data contains final estimates of gross and local values of production of major agricultural commodities for Australia, states...
  • Crime Mapping Tool - SA

    Summary statistics and an interactive map showing crime rates, produced by the South Australia Police. Data is available on a range of offences against property and persons, for...
  • Estimates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians

    This data contains Census-based estimates of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population and non-Indigenous Australians for various geographies.
  • Population in Local Government Areas

    This interactive dashboard series helps explore Australia's population data and trends. The dashboard explores population change in each of Australia's Local Government Areas.
  • Data by Region

    Data by Region presents key Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data by geographic area. Data includes population, economy, industry, income, education, employment, health,...
  • Authorised Deposit-Taking Institutions' Points of Presence Statistics

    The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) publishes an annually-updated database of physical banking service channels (ATMs, EFTPOS machines, branches, and other...
  • Labour Force, Australia, Detailed

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics detailed monthly and quarterly Labour Force Survey data. This includes data on labour force status, industry, occupation, hours worked and...
  • Regional Insights for Indigenous Communities

    The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare's Regional Insights for Indigenous Communities tool provides demographic information related to Indigenous Australians across...
  • Agricultural Commodities

    The ABS Agricultural Commodities data includes statistics on the production of agricultural commodities including cereal and broadacre crops, fruit and vegetables and livestock...
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