203 datasets found

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution Organizations: Transport for NSW

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  • Transport for NSW Driver Licence Statistics

    These datasets contain the total number of Licensing Transactions and Statuses. The data includes: The count (number) of Licence Upgrade and Downgrade, Interstate Licence...
  • Freight Data

    These data sets contain freight forecast, performance and other statistics. The data includes: Strategic Freight Forecasts - NSW freight commodity demand volume forecasts for...
  • NSW Boat Registrations and Licences

    This dataset shows the number of registered boats by postcode in NSW and the number of active boat licences by postcode in NSW. Maritime NSW deals with recreational boating so...
  • Metro Station Maps

    This dataset provides WCAG 2.0 compliant wayfinding maps for 13 Metro Stations along the Metro North West Line, including 8 new metro stations and 5 upgraded stations. Metro...
  • Timetables Complete TransXChange

    Static timetables and stop locations in TransXChange (TXC) format for all operators, including regional and private operators and routes not currently available in realtime...
  • Speed Zones

    Speed zones are set to enable drivers travelling at a speed limit to safely respond to potential risks in the road environment. This dataset contains data for NSW speed zones...
  • Train Station Maps (including Metro)

    This dataset provides WCAG 2.0 compliant wayfinding maps for 48 Sydney train stations and 13 Metro Stations. Each map displays entrances, lift locations, transport mode...
  • Maritime Speed Zone

    Areas of speed restrictions (in knots) as designated by signs along the waterway.
  • Transport for NSW Mobility Parking Permit Statistics

    These datasets contain the total number of Mobility Parking Scheme transactions and statuses. The data includes: The count (number) of Mobility Parking Scheme transactions...
  • Local Area Guides for Metro stations

    This dataset provides Local Area Guides for 13 Metro Stations along the Sydney's Metro North West Line. Each guide displays a local area map with an approximate 600m radius...
  • Maritime Restricted Zone

    Areas of restricted waters for port security or naval purposes.
  • Public Transport - Location Facilities and Operators

    Operator contact details and location facilities for train stations, ferry wharves and bus interchanges. Gateway API is provided for legacy applications, this data is no longer...
  • Transport for NSW Vehicle Registration Statistics

    These datasets contain the total number of Registration transactions and Statuses. The data includes: The count (number) of Registered Vehicle Transactions per month for a...
  • Bus Guides for Metro stations

    This dataset provides Bus Guides for 13 Metro Stations along the Sydney Metro North West Line, including 8 new metro stations along the Chatswood to Sydenham extension due to...
  • Infrastructure Cycleway Data

    Shapefile for the TfNSW bicycle network maintained by Roads and Maritime Services. This dataset is automatically updated monthly when changes occur.
  • LOAM - Light Rail Opal Assignment Model

    This dataset provides an indicator of historic light rail occupancy for individual light rail services from 31 May 2021. Note that L1 data is currently not available. The legacy...
  • NSW TrainLink Regional Train And Coaches Statistics

    This dataset contains NSW Trainlink train and coach (bus) utilisation figures. The data is aggregated to a total monthly figure representing the estimated number of trips. The...
  • Ferry Fleet Capacity Information

    Table outlining the official capacity limits for the ferry fleet. Includes the different classes and vessels.
  • Maritime No Towing Zone

    Areas where towing of persons is prohibited as designated by signs along the waterway.
  • Opal Trips - All Modes

    This dataset contains a consolidated view of Official Utilisation figures across all transport modes (train, metro, bus, ferry and light rail). Opal daily tap-on/tap-off data is...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).