197 datasets found

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  • HESA - Estates Management Dataset

    HE providers currently submit an annual data return with information about their estates. The data relates to the academic year 1 August to 31 July and is submitted in the...
  • WRI Data Catalog API

    CKAN-compatible API to the WRI’s data catalog.
  • Open-Meteo Air Quality API

    Open-Meteo Air Quality API forecast is based on the 11-kilometer CAMS European air quality forecast and the 40-kilometer CAMS global atmospheric composition forecasts. The...
  • European Clean Power Pathways Data

    The dataset contains raw data from Ember’s Power System Modelling “New Generation”. The data shows least-cost power system pathways in 5 year time intervals from 2020 to 2050.
  • India state-wise 2022 RES target and monthly installed capacity

    This dataset contains India’s installed capacity for renewable energy (RES, including small hydro, wind, solar, bioenergy) by state and by month, starting from March 2019. The...
  • Open Emission Factors Database

    A open access database of emission factors, designed to be constantly updated by contributors across the spectrum of sustainability researchers and professionals. It is freely...
  • World Bank Group Climate Change Data

    Data from World Development Indicators and Climate Change Knowledge Portal on climate systems, exposure to climate impacts, resilience, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy use.
  • Open-Meteo Historical Weather API

    The Historical Weather API is based on reanalysis datasets and uses a combination of weather station, aircraft, buoy, radar, and satellite observations to create a comprehensive...
  • Open-Meteo Weather Forecast API

    Open-Meteo weather forecast APIs use weather models from multiple national weather providers. For each location worldwide, the best models will be combined to provide the best...
  • Climate Watch Net Zero Content API

    To avoid the worst climate impacts, global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be slashed in half during the next decade and reach net-zero early in the second half of the...
  • Climate Watch LTS Content API

    Under the Paris Agreement, countries are invited to communicate “mid-century long-term low greenhouse gas emissions development strategies” (long-term strategies, or LTS). These...
  • Climate Watch NDC Content API

    Under the Paris Agreement, nearly every nation made a commitment to tackle climate change and strengthen their efforts over time. To explore the content of these Nationally...
  • Climate Watch NDC-SDG Linkages API

    Identify potential alignment between the targets, actions, policy measures, and needs in countries' Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the Sustainable Development...
  • Climate Watch Emissions Pathways API

    Emissions Pathways are transformational process that delivers long-term emissions reductions and sustainable development in collaboration with local communities, businesses and...
  • Climate Watch Historical GHG Emissions API

    Human-caused greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions drive climate change. This dataset includes time series of emissions data by country using four measures that differ in scope and...
  • SMARD Electricity Market Data

    The Bundesnetzagentur's electricity market information platform "SMARD" has been online since 2017. SMARD is an abbreviation of the German term "Strommarktdaten", which...
  • SMARD - Electricity Power Plant Data

    The Bundesnetzagentur's electricity market information platform "SMARD" has been online since 2017. SMARD is an abbreviation of the German term "Strommarktdaten", which...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).