SPARROW Surface Water-Quality Modeling
A modeling tool for the regional interpretation of water-quality monitoring data. Internet Archive URL: https://web.archive.org/web/2017*/http://water.usgs.gov/nawqa/sparrow -
American Housing Survey 2007 National Summary Data Tables
This report presents data from the 2007 American Housing Survey, which was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and conducted by the U.S. Census... -
Violent Crime Rate per 100,000 Population, 2007-2014 - Uniform Crime Reportin...
U.S. violent crime rate per 100,000 population, 2007–2014. Violent crimes measured include murder, rape and sexual assault, and robbery. Data from the FBI Uniform Crime... -
Annual Estimates of the Resident Population, 2010 - 2016
Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2016 from the yearly Population Estimates. The estimates are based on the 2010 Census and reflect changes... -
Qualified Census Tract
The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) is a tax incentive intended to increase the availability of low income housing. Section 42 provides an income tax credit to owners of... -
Criminal victimization 2015
Presents national rates and levels of criminal victimization reported to the authorities in 2015 and annual change from 2014. Connected to SDG Indicator 16.3.1 Proportion of... -
Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency
DSIRE is the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE... -
Value Added by Industry as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product
Value Added by Industry as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product, 2008 - 2016. Connected to SDG Indicator 9.2.1 Manufacturing value added as a proportion of GDP and per... -
Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Sources: ...
On June 25, 2013, President Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum directing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to work expeditiously to complete greenhouse gas (GHG)... -
Reported Internet Usage for Individuals, 2012
Reported Internet Usage for Individuals 3 Years and Older, by Selected Characteristics, from Current Population Survey Internet Use Supplements, 2012 Connected to SDG Indicator... -
ECHO Facility Search Results
Use EPA's Enforcement and Compliance History Online website to search for facilities in your community to assess their compliance with environmental regulations. You can also... -
Computational Toxicology Online Resources
This data is downloaded from the EPA’s Aggregated Computational Toxicology Online Resource (ACToR), which is the data and web applications warehouse for EPA’s computational... -
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data, 2011 - 2015 Connected to SDG Indicator 8.8.1 - Frequency rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries, by sex and migrant... -
GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP)
The GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP) is an estimate of global surface temperature change. Graphs and tables are updated around the middle of every month using current... -
Preprimary programs participation rate
This table presents the percentage of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children enrolled in preprimary programs, by level of program, attendance status, and selected child and family... -
Percentage of students at or above selected NAEP achievement levels
Percentage of students at or above selected National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading achievement levels, by grade and selected student characteristics: 1998... -
Divisional Data Select
This link provides access to what is referred to as "divisional" climate data. Climate divisions are relatively small regions (e.g. the Hudson Valley region of New York State).... -
National Data Buoy Center - Station 48907 Historical Data
Plots temperature and salinity as a function of depth at Station 48907 - (COOK) as PNG files. Measurements were taken by the Slocum Glider, an autonomous underwater vehicle,... -
Violent Crime Rate per 100,000 Population, 2015 - Uniform Crime Reporting Sta...
U.S. violent crime rate per 100,000 population, 2015. Violent crimes measured include murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. Data from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting... -
EPA Data Commons
Directory of datasets from EPA