Primary Energy Overview
Primary Energy Review from the Energy Information Administration's Monthly Energy Review. Connected to SDG indicator 7.2.1 - Renewable energy share in the total final energy... -
Annual Electric Generator Data
The survey Form EIA-860 collects generator-level specific information about existing and planned generators and associated environmental equipment at electric power plants with... -
SciTech Connect: Your connection to science, technology, and engineering rese...
SciTech Connect includes technical reports, bibliographic citations, journal articles, conference papers, books, patents and patent applications, multimedia, software, and data... -
Energy Water Footprint
The energy-water nexus describes the requirement of water-for-energy and energy-for-water. The consumption of water in the production and generation of energy resources is also... -
Energy Dataset
The complete Energy dataset is a collection of key metrics maintained by Our World in Data. It is updated regularly and includes data on energy consumption (primary energy, per... -
CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The complete CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions dataset is a collection of key metrics maintained by Our World in Data. It is updated regularly and includes data on CO2 emissions... -
Catalogue of Projects on Energy Data (COPED)
COPED, or the Catalogue of Projects on Energy Data aims to unify various information stores and existing portals for energy projects under a single extendable umbrella that has...