NMED Clean Water Act 303(d) and 305(b) Integrated Report
The CWA §303(d)/305(b) Integrated Report (IR) is designed to satisfy the statutory requirements of Section (§) 303(d) and the reporting requirements of §§ 305(b) and 314 of the... -
NMED Public Water Systems Search
Application allowing the search of public water systems for water supply in NM. -
NMED Surface Water Quality Monitoring
The Surface Water Quality Bureau -SWQB - collects data to use for analysis to determine if surface water quality standards are being attained, and designated uses are supported. -
NMED Groundwater Quality Bureau Agriculture Discharge Permits
Permits are issued for five year terms and must be renewed to provide continuous coverage. This list will be updated regularly as more permits are issued. Currently the section... -
NMED Wetlands Program
The goals of the New Mexico Wetlands Program are to protect and restore New Mexico’s remaining wetlands and riparian areas and to increase self-sustaining, naturally functioning... -
New Mexico NPDES permits
These two shapefiles represent active and pending New Mexico National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits. These files are the same as those visualized on the NMED... -
NMED Groundwater Quality Bureau Pollution Prevention Discharge Permits
Permits are issued for five year terms and must be renewed to provide continuous coverage. This list will be updated regularly as more permits are issued. Currently the section... -
EGIS Web Mapping Application
NM Environment Department Surface Water Quality Bureau GIS Web Mapping Tool -
NMED Groundwater Quality Bureau Voluntary Remediation Sites
The Remediation Oversight Section encourages and oversees voluntary efforts to clean up contaminated sites, and administers the Ground and Surface Water Protection Regulations... -
Safe Drinking Water Information System - State System (SDWIS/State)
This service currently delivers three datasets via RESTful APIs which draw data from the New Mexico Environment Department's SDWIS/State database: Drinking Water Watch (DWW)... -
NMED Surface Water Quality Bureau Total Maximum Daily Loads
Under Section 303(d)(1) of the federal Clean Water Act, each state is required to develop a list of waters within that state which are not supporting their designated uses...