National Gas transmission network shapefiles
Here you can find out the approximate location of our national gas transmission network. You can also check if our transmission networks may be affected by your works by using... -
National Grid ESO ETYS documents and appendices
The Electricity Ten Year Statement outlines the ESO’s view of the National Electricity Transmission System over the next ten to twenty years. -
Renewable Energy Planning Database
The Renewable Energy Planning Database (REPD) tracks the progress of UK renewable electricity projects over 150kW through the planning system. It provides as accurate and... -
UK NAEI Emissions Interactive Map
The NAEI compiles estimates of emissions to the atmosphere from UK sources such as cars, trucks, power stations and industrial plant. These emissions are estimated to help to... -
UK NAEI emissions data selector
The data selector search allows users to find UK data. Please note that the greenhouse gas emissions data includes the United Kingdom, Guernsey, Jersey, the Isle of Man,... -
UK NAEI Local Authority GHG Map
This interactive map shows Greenhouse Gas emissions totals by Local Authority from the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory for 2021. Users can choose to show different... -
Tree Equity Score Map UK
Tree Equity Score UK is a map-based application that was created to help address disparities in urban tree distribution by identifying the areas in greatest need of... -
The water situation (or Watsit) report
Find Yorkshire Water data such as daily rainfall, regional reservoir stocks, river levels and demand is monitored and you can see their current position against historical and... -
Yorkshire Water Emissions Result
Find yorkshire water emission results covering scope 1, 2 and 3 -
Yorkshire Water Event Duration Monitoring (EDM)
EDM measures the frequency and duration of releases to the environment from storm overflows and utilises DEFRA 12/24 counting methodology. -
Yorkshire Water Problems in your area Tool
ORNL has created a building energy model for each of the 178,000 homes and buildings in EPB’s service territories. These models are used to evaluate efficiency and demand... -
Wind Farm Self Assessment Maps
NERL (NATS En-Route PLC) employs advanced analysis tools and industry best practices to assess the impact of wind turbines on air traffic service electronic infrastructure.... -
UAS Airspace Restrictions - Digital Datasets
Navigation restrictions that are applicable to unmanned aircraft systems are published in the UK AIP (Section ENR 5.1 Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas) including... -
UAS Airspace Restrictions Map
Navigation restrictions that are applicable to unmanned aircraft systems are published in the UK AIP (Section ENR 5.1 Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas) including... -
REF -UK Renewable Electricity Target Tracker
Find data on the projected renewable electricity output from the consented electricity capacity in the UK planning system -
REF -Wind Constraint Payments
Find data on the constraint payments paid to wind farms under the balancing mechanism to reduce output in the event of constraint -
REF -FiT Generators
Find data on small scale renewable generators (up to 5MW) subsidised by the Feed in Tariff Scheme -
REF -British Electricity Generation (Balancing Mechanism) Fuel Mix
Find British Electricity Generation Fuel Mix derived from historic Balancing Mechanism data -
REF - Renewable Generators
Find generation data for individual large scale renewable generators subsidised by the Renewables Obligation or by the Feed in Tariff and claiming REGOs -
REF - Renewable Electricity Totals
This shows the UK renewable electricity generation data aggregated by year, country, technology type and subsidy