GOES-R HRIT / EMWIN Prototype Receiver Links and Specifications page
Data about the Prototype receiver’s hardware design, its software design and the testing performed to verify the receiver meets the performance requirements for the various... -
Tariff List
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The eTariff Viewer allows the public access to view the status of Tariffs which have been submitted to FERC. Internet Archive URL:... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 1998, Part 2: SLAA-Provided Services
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
Universe of Chemicals for Potential Endocrine Disruptor Screening and Testing
The Universe of Chemicals was developed by the EPA to provide guidance to staff and managers regarding the universe of chemicals for potential endocrine disruptor screening and... -
FY2017 Hypothetical Small Area FMR Lookup System
Geographic lookup, by state and county, of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) data for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 of Hypothetical Small Area (defined by ZIP code) Fair Market Rents... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 1995, Part 1: Operations & Workforce
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) - Ship Observations Report, 2017-01-28
This Ship Observations Report covers 12 hours of January 28, 2017. Each text file includes the data from one hour of the day. Observation data description (the codebook for the... -
NDBC TAO: Data Download
Pacific Ocean Weather Data captured by NOAA Buoys. The TAO array (renamed the TAO/TRITON array on 1 January 2000) consists of approximately 70 moorings in the Tropical Pacific... -
Map of social vulnerabilities for fishing communities
This map presents an interactive visualization of indicators for Social Vulnerability, Gentrification Pressure, Sea Rise Vulnerability, and Fishing Engagement and Reliance in... -
The North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is a large-scale, long-term mon...
The Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is a standardized and one of the rare long-term databases of ecological communities. The BBS permits us to understand long-term changes in North... -
Daily Outdoor Air Quality Data- Download Daily Data
Download daily data for a specific location and time period. This tool queries daily air quality summary statistics for the criteria pollutants by monitor. You can get data for... -
Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change must submit national reports on implementation of the Convention to the Conference of the Parties (COP).... -
Integrated Risk Information System Share
EPA’s mission is to protect human health and the environment. EPA’s IRIS Program supports this mission by identifying and characterizing the health hazards of chemicals found in... -
US Energy Information Administration Projection Reports, 2017
Reports in pdf and csv format from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) with forecast models on crude oil and petroleum liquids, gasoline, diesel, natural gas,... -
"Type(s) of content in package": "Oilseed, oilmeal, and fats and oils supply and use statistics. Includes oilseed acreage, yield, and production estimates and farm and wholesale... -
Main Libraries, Branches, and Bookmobiles: FY 2012 Public Libraries Survey (O...
Find key information on main libraries, branches, and bookmobiles, including FSCS IDs, square footage, and locale codes.These data include imputed values for libraries that did... -
Solar Data 10/40 kilometer
This data provides monthly average and annual average daily total solar resource averaged over surface cells of 0.1 degrees in both latitude and longitude, or about 10 km in... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 1999, Part 3: Revenue & Expenditures
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
Promise Zones
Promise Zones are high-poverty urban, rural and tribal communities with whom the federal government will partner and invest to create jobs, leverage private investment, increase... -
GPM_3IMERGDF: GPM (IMERG) Final Precipitation L3 1 day 0.1 degree x 0.1 degre...
Satellite collected precipitation data that feeds into a climate prediction model and cloud classification model. These are provided to both the Climate Prediction Center (CPC)...