Swiss Canopy Crane II research site
This research site is located near Hölstein in Canton Basel-Landschaft in a mature temperate forest that harbours more than 400 trees from 14 different species. The 1.6 ha site... -
ForClim is a cohort-based model that was developed to analyze successional pathways of various forest types in Central Europe. Following the standard approach of gap models... -
Forest Type NFI
Two versions of the data are currently available: 2018 and 2016. The 2018 version presents a remote sensing-based approach for a countrywide mapping of the dominant leave type... -
Hillshade for Vegetation Height Model NFI
Hillshade of the digital surface model (DSM), calculated from digital aerial stereo images. The image data was acquired by the Federal Office of Topography swisstopo. The...