Surficial Geologic Map of the Pico Peak Quadrangle, Vermont
"Digital data from VG12-1 Wright, S., 2012, Surficial Geologic Map of the Pico Peak, Vermont 7.5 Minute Quadrangle: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG12-1, scale... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Warren Quadrangle, Vermont
Digital Data from VG95-4A Walsh, GJ, Haydock, S, Prewitt, J, Kraus, J, Lapp, E, O'Loughlin, S, and Stanley, RS, 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Warren... -
Geology and hydrogeology of the Town of Calais, Vermont
Digital data from VG2016-1 Springston, G., Kim, J., Gale. M. and Thomas, E., 2016, Geology and hydrogeology of the Town of Calais, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File... -
Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Londonderry, Vermont
Digital data from VG08-2 De Simone, D., and Gale, M., 2008,�Surficial geology and hydrogeology of the Town Londonderry, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File Report... -
Sand and Gravel Deposits
This dataset is a statewide polygon coverage of sand, gravel, and stone resources. This database includes the best data available from the VT Agency of Natural Resources and... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Essex Junction Quadrangle, Vermont
Digital data from VG12-3, Gale, M., Kim. J., and Ruksznis, A., 2012, Bedrock Geologic Map of the essex Junction Quadrangle: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG12-3,... -
Surficial Geologic Map of the Burlington Quadrangle, Vermont
Digital data from VG09-1 Wright, S., S. Fuller, S. Jones, A. McKinney, S. Rupard, and S.D. Shaw, 2009,�Surficial geologic map of the Burlington, Vermont 7.5 minute quadrangle:... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Pico Peak Quadrangle, Vermont
Digital Data from VG98-226A Walsh, G. J., and Ratcliffe, N.M., 1998,�Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Pico Peak quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Wallingford Quadrangle, Vermont
Digital Data from VG98-335A Burton, WC, and Ratcliffe, NM, 2000, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Wallingford quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Arlington Quadrangle and a Portion of the Shushan...
Digital Data from VG95-483A Lyttle, PT,�Digital bedrock geologic map of the Arlington quadrangle and a Vermont portion of the Shushan quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Milton Quadrangle, Vermont
Digital Data from VG95-8A Dorsey, R, Doolan, B, Agnew, PC, Carter, CM, Rosencrantz, EJ, and Stanley, RS, 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Milton quadrangle,... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Hazens Notch and a Portion of the Lowell Quadrang...
Digital Data from VG03-3B Digital data for the Hazens Notch and a portion of the Lowell quadrangles, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG03-3B, The bedrock... -
Surficial Geologic Map of Town of Dorset, Vermont
Digital data from VG09-3 De Simone, D. and Gale, M., 2009,�Surficial geology and hydrogeology of Dorset, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File Report VG09-3, 9 color... -
Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont
Digital data from VG2017-5 Wright, S. F., 2017, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-5,... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Chester Quadrangle, Vermont
Digital Data from VG95-576A Ratcliffe, N.M., 1995,�Digital bedrock geologic map of the Chester quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 95-576, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. The... -
Surficial Geologic Map of the Cabot Quadrangle, Vermont
Digital data from VG2016-3 Springston, G., 2016, Surficial geology of the Cabot 7 1/2 minute quadrangle, Vermont:�Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2016-3, text plus... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Gilson Mountain Quadrangle, Vermont
Digital Data from VG95-7A Doolan, B, 1995,�Digital bedrock geologic map of the Gilson Mountain quadrangle,�Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-7A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. The... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Mount Carmel Quadrangle, Vermont
Digital Data from VG98-330A Ratcliffe, N.M., and Walsh, G. J., 1998,�Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Mount Carmel quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report... -
Surficial Geologic Map of the Bennington Area, Vermont
Digital data from VG2017-1 DeSimone, D. J., 2017, Surficial Geology of the Bennington Area, Vermont: VGS Open File report VG2017-1, scale 1:12,000. Data may include surficial... -
VT County Forest Data 1966-1997
(Link to Metadata) This datalayer contains Vermont forestry estimate data, by county, primarily obtained from the Vermont Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA), conducted in the...