WA Soils
For large areas, like Washington State, download as a file geodatabase. Large data sets like this one, for the State of Washington, may exceed the limits for downloading as... -
DSHS Regions
DSHS Regions defines three geographic areas within the State of Washington, USA for the purposes of administering services to customers and coordinating with partners and... -
Wildland Urban Interface Viewing App
The Wildland Urban Interface This layer represents the Washington Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) as mapped in 2019 by WA State Dept. of Natural Resources - Wildfire and Forest... -
Shoreline Management Act (SMA) Jurisdiction: Adopted Streams
Ecology created SMA_Jurisdiction_Streams (also known as SMA_Arcs_Adopt) by selecting appropriate flowlines from the National Hydrographic Dataset "NHDFlowline.lyr" as maintained... -
Pacific Northwest Channel Migration Potential (CHAMP)
The Channel Migration Potential (CHAMP) layer contains stream networks of Western Washington (and much of Western Oregon) with associated data and information important for... -
Shoreline Management Act (SMA) Jurisdiction: Original WAC Chapter 173-18 Streams
Streams and rivers published in Chapter 173-18-WAC. This layer will not be updated. It is slowly becoming outdated as cities and counties update their list of Shoreline... -
WSDOT Functional Classification Map
The Functional Classification Map Application allows users to view the Federal Functional Classifications for Washington State as defined and approved by the Federal Highway... -
Municipal Stormwater Permits
Municipal Stormwater Permit jurisdiction areas for Phase I and Phase II permits, issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology. The Phase I permit regulates discharges... -
Shoreline Public Access: Lines
The Shoreline Public Access Project is a geographic information systems (GIS) project to identify the location, length, and degree of public access to Washington State's marine... -
Surface Water Quality Standards for the State of Washington
This dataset contains spatial and attribute information of the Surface Water Quality Standards for the State of Washington, Chapter 173-201A WAC. Four views of the WQ Standard... -
Air Quality Non-Attainment Areas: Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Ambient monitoring measures the status of air quality throughout the state to assess trends, compliance with federal and state air quality standards, effectiveness of control... -
Washington State Drought Areas 2015
Drought Areas data description: This data layer is derived from copying the designated WRIAs. WRIAs data description: Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIA) for Washington State... -
Water Quality Improvement Projects
These polygon features represent Water Quality Improvement (WQI) projects managed by the Washington State Department of Ecology. WQI projects can be TMDLs, Straight To... -
Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIA)
Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIA) for Washington State at 1:24,000 scale. WRIAs were formalized under WAC 173-500-040 and authorized under the Water Resources Act of 1971,... -
Toxic Releases from Facilities, RSEI Model (Outdated)
This layer displays the toxicity-weighted concentrations of chemical releases to air from facility emissions and off-site incineration averaged over a three-year period... -
Unaffordable Housing (Outdated)
This layer represents the percent householders spend on housing costs. It uses ACS table DP04 Housing Characteristics. There are three categories under " Selected Monthly... -
WSDOT - Freight Data NHFN Critical Urban and Rural Freight Corridors
The National Highway Freight Network (NHFN) consists of four components: 1. Primary Highway Freight System (PHFS): This is a network of highways identified as the most critical... -
WSDOT - Freight Data Freight and Goods Transportation System - Waterway corri...
The Washington State Freight and Goods Transportation System (FGTS) classifies freight corridors by modes in Washington state based on annual freight tonnage moved, including... -
WSDOT - Permanent Bike Restrictions
This layer contains information on where there are permanent access restrictions to bicycles on Washington state routes. This does not include temporary restrictions which are... -
PARKS - Park Activities
Points in the general location of recreational activity opportunities within state parks.Attribute Definitions: PARK_ID - Name of the State Park or State Parks property the...