WSDOT - State Route (1:500K) 2007
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 500K linear referencing system. This data is a snapshot of the roadway system for the year specified in the... -
WSDOT - State Route Line (1:500K) 2010
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 500K linear referencing system. This data is a snapshot of the roadway system for the year specified in the... -
WSDOT - State Route Line (1:500K) 2016
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 500K linear referencing system. This data is a snapshot of the roadway system for the year specified in the... -
WSDOT - State Route (1:500K) 2016
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 500K linear referencing system. This data is a snapshot of the roadway system for the year specified in the... -
WSDOT - State Route (1:500K) 2002
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 500K linear referencing system. This data is a snapshot of the roadway system for the year specified in the... -
WSDOT - State Route Line (1:500K) 2011
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 500K linear referencing system. This data is a snapshot of the roadway system for the year specified in the... -
WSDOT - State Route Line (1:500K) 2012
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 500K linear referencing system. This data is a snapshot of the roadway system for the year specified in the... -
WSDOT - State Route (1:500K) 2012
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 500K linear referencing system. This data is a snapshot of the roadway system for the year specified in the... -
Ozone Concentration (Current Version)
This layer represents the three year mean concentration of daily maximum 8-hour rolling averaged ozone for 2009-2011 from AIRPACT. A detailed description is available here:... -
PM2 5 Concentration (Current Version)
This layer represents the three year mean concentration of annual PM2.5 for 2009-2011 from AIRPACT. A detailed description can be found here:... -
Transportation Expense (Current Version)
This layer represents the transportation costs based on percentage of income for the regional moderate household. A detailed description is available here:... -
WSDOT - State Route Decreasing (1:24K) 2019
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 24K linear referencing system including state routes, ramps, turnbacks, ferry terminals, and proposed state... -
No High School Diploma (Current Version)
This layer represents the percentage of people who have not received a high school diploma or GED by the age of 25. A detailed description is available here:... -
WSDOT - Ferry Terminal and Proposed State Route 2019
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 24K linear referencing system including state routes, ramps, turnbacks, ferry terminals, and proposed state... -
WSDOT - State Route Points (1:24K) 2019
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 24K linear referencing system including state routes, ramps, turnbacks, ferry terminals, and proposed state... -
WSDOT - State Route Increasing (1:24K) 2018
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 24K linear referencing system including state routes, ramps, turnbacks, ferry terminals, and proposed state... -
WSDOT - State Route Turnback (1:24K) 2018
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 24K linear referencing system including state routes, ramps, turnbacks, ferry terminals, and proposed state... -
WSDOT - State Route Increasing (1:24K) 2017
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 24K linear referencing system including state routes, ramps, turnbacks, ferry terminals, and proposed state... -
WSDOT - State Route Line (1:24K) 2017
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 24K linear referencing system including state routes, ramps, turnbacks, ferry terminals, and proposed state... -
WSDOT - State Route Points (1:24K) 2017
This map service depicts historic data for the Washington State Route 24K linear referencing system including state routes, ramps, turnbacks, ferry terminals, and proposed state...