National Forest System Trails (Feature Layer)
The Trails Layer is designed to provide information about National Forest System trail locations and characteristics to the public. When fully realized, it will describe trail... -
National USFS Fire Occurrence Point (Feature Layer)
The FireOccurrence point layer represents ignition points, or points of origin, from which individual USFS wildland fires started. Data are maintained at the Forest/District... -
National Interagency Fire Occurrence Sixth Edition 1992-2020 (Feature Layer)
This data publication contains a spatial database of wildfires that occurred in the United States from 1992 to 2020. It is the fifth update of a publication originally generated... -
National Grassland Units (Feature Layer)
A National Grassland unit designated by the Secretary of Agriculture and permanently held by the Department of Agriculture under Title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act.... -
Motor Vehicle Use Map: Roads (Feature Layer)
The feature class indicates the specific types of motorized vehicles allowed on the designated routes and their seasons of use. The feature class is designed to be consistent... -
Mineral Rights (Feature Layer)
An area depicting ownership parcels of the subsurface estate representing mineral rights; it is collected only if the subsurface estate is different than the overlying surface... -
Monarch Butterfly Habitat Restoration: Polygon (Feature Layer)
Activities meeting the Monarch Butterfly Habitat Restoration initiative are a subset of activities that benefit native plants, and in doing so, benefit pollinators. Activities... -
Healthy Forest Restoration Act Activities (Feature Layer)
The Healthy Forest Restoration Act feature class depicts National Forest System (NFS) Lands within 38 States designated under section 602 and 603 of the Healthy Forest... -
Hazardous Fuel Treatment Reduction: Polygon (Feature Layer)
Note: This is a large dataset. To download, go to ArcGIS Open Data Set and click the download button, and under additional resources select the shapefile or geodatabase option.... -
Great Basin Montane Watersheds - Valley Bottoms (Feature Layer)
Multiple research and management partners collaboratively developed a multiscale approach for assessing the geomorphic sensitivity of streams and ecological resilience of... -
Climate Shield Cutthroat Trout (0% Brook Trout), 1980 (Feature Layer)
This feature class represents the historical (1970-1999 scenario for cutthroat trout, derived from the Climate Shield fish distribution models. These models provide... -
FS/NRCS Joint Chiefs' Landscape Restoration Partnership Projects (Feature Layer)
Activities completed under the FS/NRCS Joint Chiefs' Landscape Restoration Partnership (LRP) program. Metadata and Downloads -
FIA Landcover County Estimates - 2016 (Feature Layer)
This feature class represents forest area estimates (and percent sampling error) by county for the year 2016. The data was generated from the Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA)... -
Ecological Sections (Feature Layer)
This data set includes polygons for ecological sections within Subregions within the conterminous United States. This data set contains regional geographic delineations for... -
FIA Landcover County Estimates - 2019 (Feature Layer)
This feature class represents forest area estimates (and percent sampling error) by county for the year 2019. The data was generated from the Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA)... -
FIA Landcover County Estimates - 2017 (Feature Layer)
This feature class represents forest area estimates (and percent sampling error) by county for the year 2017. The data was generated from the Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA)... -
Brush Disposal Funded Activities (Feature Layer)
Depicts the area of activities funded through BDBD and PPPP budget line item and reported through the FACTS database. The objective of the BD Program is to dispose of unwanted... -
Aerial Fire Retardant Avoidance Areas: Terrestrial (Feature Layer)
This layer contains features of aerial fire retardant avoidance areas delivered as part of the 2011 Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System... -
Activity Project Areas Sale Area Improvement (SAI) Plan (Feature Layer)
Activity Project Area Sale Area Improvement (SAI) Plan represents an area (polygon) within which one or more Sale Area Improvement (SAI) related activities are aggregated or... -
Western Bark Beetle Strategy: Polygon (Feature Layer)
Depicts the area of activities to implement the Western Bark Beetle Strategy. Activities were self-reported by field units, and center around three main objectives: increasing...