1,944 datasets found

Organizations: United States Department of Agriculture

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  • Commodity and Food Elasticities

    Note: Updates to this data product are discontinued. The Commodity and Food Elasticities Database is a collection of elasticities from research on consumer demand published in...
  • Commodity Costs and Returns

    Cost and return estimates are reported for the United States and major production regions for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, grain sorghum, rice, peanuts, oats, barley, milk,...
  • Commodity Consumption by Population Characteristics

    Note: Updates to this data product are discontinued. ERS examines consumer food preferences by age, income, region, race, whether people eat at home or away, and other...
  • China Agricultural and Economic Data

    Note: Updates to this data product are discontinued. The China agricultural and economic database is a collection of agricultural-related data from official statistical...
  • Charts of Note

    Charts of Note from ERS is distributed Monday-Friday by the Economic Research Service to highlight charts of interest from our current and past research.
  • Chart Gallery

    A collection of charts from the ERS website.
  • Best of Charts of Note 2017

    Editor's Pick 2017: Best of Charts of Note This chart gallery is a collection of the best Charts of Note from 2017. These charts were selected by ERS editors as those worthy of...
  • Best of Charts of Note 2016

    Note: Updates to this data product are discontinued. This chart gallery is a collection of the best Charts of Note for 2016. These charts were selected by ERS editors as those...
  • Best of Charts of Note 2015

    Note: Updates to this data product are discontinued. This chart gallery is a collection of the best Charts of Note for 2015. These charts were selected by ERS editors as those...
  • Best of Charts of Note 2014

    Note: Updates to this data product are discontinued. This chart gallery is a collection of the best Charts of Note for 2014. These charts were selected by ERS editors as those...
  • Best of Charts of Note 2013

    Note: Updates to this data product are discontinued. This chart gallery is a collection of the best Charts of Note. These charts were selected by ERS editors as those worthy of...
  • Atlas of Rural and Small-Town America

    View the diversity of challenges and opportunities across America's counties within different types of rural regions and communities. Get statistics on people, jobs, and...
  • Aquaculture Data

    Note: Updates to this data product are discontinued. Aquaculture is the production of aquatic animals and plants under controlled conditions for all or part of their lifecycle....
  • Agricultural Trade Multipliers

    Agricultural trade multipliers provide estimates of employment and/or output effects of trade in farm and food products on the U.S. economy. These effects, when expressed as...
  • Agricultural Research Funding in the Public and Private Sectors

    Note: Updates to this data product are discontinued. Data for public and private funding of food and agricultural research and development cover the years 1970-2009 (public) and...
  • Agricultural Productivity in the U.S.

    Increased productivity is the main contributor to growth in U.S. agriculture. This data set provides estimates of productivity growth in the U.S. farm sector for the 1948-2011...
  • Agricultural Exchange Rate Data Set

    This data set contains annual and monthly data for exchange rates important to U.S. agriculture. It includes both nominal and real exchange rates for 79 countries, plus the...
  • Agricultural Baseline Database

    The agricultural baseline database provides longrun, 10-year projections from USDA's annual long-term projections report. The database covers projections for major field crops...
  • Ag and Food Statistics: Charting the Essentials

    A collection of over 75 charts and maps presenting key statistics on the farm sector, food spending and prices, food security, rural communities, the interaction of agriculture...
  • Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S.

    This data product summarizes the extent of adoption of herbicide-tolerant (HT), insect-resistant (Bt), and those with both traits ("stacked") genetically engineered (GE) crops...
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