AMS Pasadena Precipitation Data
The data in this data environment was collected from the Pasadena, California testbed, namely I-210, SR 134, and nearby arterials. The source of these data is from the National... -
2022 NTD Annual Data - Employees (by Mode and Employee Type)
This dataset contains data on transit agency employees as reported to the National Transit Database in Report Year 2022. It is organized by agency, mode, type of service, and... -
Motor Fuel - Gasohol Tax Rates
Excise tax rates on gasohol, as reported by the States on the Form 551M. This information is used in the year-end evaluation process by comparing gallons reported, multiplied by... -
Airports in Opportunity Zones
This dataset shows airports in opportunity zones. -
2022 NTD Annual Data - Vehicles (Age Distribution)
This dataset details vehicle types and ages for each transit agency reporting to the NTD. Non-dedicated fleets do not report Year of Manufacture and are thus excluded from the... -
TMAS 2018
2018 Traffic Volume Data - FHWA's TMAS Data Program (based on unweighted raw continuous traffic count information collected by state highway agencies) -
TMAS 2019
2019 Traffic Volume Data - FHWA's TMAS Data Program (based on unweighted raw continuous traffic count information collected by state highway agencies) -
Grade Crossing Inventory System - Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Inventory (Form...
This a reference table for the Grade Crossing Inventory System, which is the application used to submit data for the Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Inventory (Form 71). The data... -
United States Boundary Files
United States Census Bureau: Cartographic Boundary Files - Shapefiles -
Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS)-Equipped Two-Vehicle Data for Centra...
Dataset contains two subject vehicles’ trajectory data connected in naturalistic traffic conditions in central Ohio. Instrumented subject vehicles were either a discreet or... -
Class 2's & 3's by Miles
This dataset has no description
2022 NTD Annual Data - Metrics
This dataset details service and cost efficiency metrics for agencies reporting to the National Transit Database in the 2022 report year. Only Full Reporters report data on... -
Data Release Schedule
This dataset has no description
Select Summary Highway Statistics, by State and Functional System
Select summary highway statistics, 1980 - 2017, mileage, lane-miles, vehicle miles traveled, and fatalities by state and functional system. -
Advanced Messaging Concept Development: Probe Data Control Message
Contains all PDCMs generated during the AMCD field testing program. The PDCM is a control message sent from the server to OBUs to customize a request for Probe Vehicle Data... -
Motor Fuel - Gasoline Tax Rates
Excise tax rates on gasoline, as reported by the States on the Form 551M. This information is used in the year-end evaluation process by comparing gallons reported, multiplied... -
2022 NTD Annual Data - Maintenance Facilities
This dataset details maintenance facility capacities and counts for each applicable agency reporting to the National Transit Database in the 2022 report year.. Please note that... -
Intelligent Network Flow Optimization Prototype Traffic Management Entity-Bas...
Data is from the small-scale demonstration of the Intelligent Network Flow Optimization (INFLO) Prototype System and applications in Seattle, Washington. Connected vehicle... -
Enhanced Transit Safety Retrofit Package (E-TRP)
The data is taken from three intersections and 24 buses over a six month period in Cleveland, Ohio. The systems at the intersections provided MAP and SPAT messages and the SPAT... -
Special Fuel Volumes Distributed
Volume of taxed special fuel, primarily diesel, but including alternative fuels, reported by the States each month, based on reports from suppliers and distributors. These...