State Libraries Survey, FY 2012, Part 1: Operations & Workforce
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
National Energy Technology Laboratory's Energy Exchange Database for group NA...
National Energy Technology Laboratory's Energy Exchange Database for group NATCARB. Includes data on the location and size of stationary CO2 sources in the United states and... -
National Data Buoy Center
"Type(s) of content in package": "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): National Data Buoy Center (NDBC); National Weather Service (NWS); Tropical... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 1995, Part 3: Revenue & Expenditures
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
Museum Universe Data File FY 2014 Q3
Browse a list of known museums and related organizations in the United States as of the third quarter of FY 2014. This list contains descriptive information about museums in the... -
EPA Data Commons
Directory of datasets from EPA -
State Libraries Survey, FY 2005, Part 1: Operations & Workforce
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
USGS Surface Water Information
USGS Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN-2009). This data set is very small, consisting of just an EXCEL file with information on USGS stream gage stations that are unaffected by... -
State Profiles: FY 2013 Public Libraries Survey
Pull up a state's profile to find state-level totals on key data such as numbers of libraries and librarians, revenue and expenditure, and collection sizes.These data include... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 1998, Part 2: SLAA-Provided Services
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 1995, Part 1: Operations & Workforce
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
The North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is a large-scale, long-term mon...
The Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is a standardized and one of the rare long-term databases of ecological communities. The BBS permits us to understand long-term changes in North... -
Main Libraries, Branches, and Bookmobiles: FY 2012 Public Libraries Survey (O...
Find key information on main libraries, branches, and bookmobiles, including FSCS IDs, square footage, and locale codes.These data include imputed values for libraries that did... -
Solar Data 10/40 kilometer
This data provides monthly average and annual average daily total solar resource averaged over surface cells of 0.1 degrees in both latitude and longitude, or about 10 km in... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 1999, Part 3: Revenue & Expenditures
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
Promise Zones
Promise Zones are high-poverty urban, rural and tribal communities with whom the federal government will partner and invest to create jobs, leverage private investment, increase... -
GPM_3IMERGDF: GPM (IMERG) Final Precipitation L3 1 day 0.1 degree x 0.1 degre...
Satellite collected precipitation data that feeds into a climate prediction model and cloud classification model. These are provided to both the Climate Prediction Center (CPC)... -
NEH grant data, 2010-2019
Grants made by NEH, fiscal years 2010-2019 Internet Archive URL: https://web.archive.org/web/2017*/https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/neh-grant-data-2010-2019 -
NEH grant data, 1970-1979
Grants made by NEH, fiscal years 1970-1979 Internet Archive URL: https://web.archive.org/web/2017*/https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/neh-grant-data-1970-1979 -
NEH grant data, 1990-1999
Grants made by NEH, fiscal years 1990-1999 Internet Archive URL: https://web.archive.org/web/2017*/https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/neh-grant-data-1990-1999