Belfort Laser Ceilometer (BLC): profiles
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W-Band ARM Scanning Cloud Radar (WSACR); CF-Radial Cross-Wind RHI Scan
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WSI: calibrated red or clear quicklook movies (MPEG), 2-min intervals
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W-Band ARM Scanning Cloud Radar (WSACR) Filtered Spectral Data of Cross-Wind ...
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Sixty Meter Tower: temperature, humidity, & vapor pressure at 60-m, 30-min avg
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GOES-12: 0.5 degree cloud products
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GOES-12: water vapor and temperature profiles
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W-Band Scanning ARM Cloud Radar (W-SACR) Zenith Pointing PPI Scan
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Microwave Radiometer Retrievals (MWRRET) of Cloud Liquid Water and Precipitab...
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Ka-Band Scanning ARM Cloud Radar (KASACR) Corner Reflector Raster Scan
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Weighing Bucket Precipitation from Geonor
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Shortwave Array Spectroradiometer-Hemispheric, VISible channel, low-sun angle...
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Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center: estimated precipitation
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Merged Sounding profiles derived with first Mace algorithm
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Surface Spectral Albedo
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WSI: images (GIF) relating to cloud, aerosol summary data
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VISST-derived gridded products from satellite GOES13, version 4
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Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: output, 60 km grid covering Southern Great Pl...
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Solar and Infrared Radiation Station (SIRS): 60-sec data
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Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer Aerosol Particle Sizer
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