CAL and NCV (Feb 2017) Super Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Cancer Alliances and National Cancer Vanguards in England as at February 2017. The boundaries are super generalised (200m)... -
Local Health Boards (December 2016) Full Clipped Boundaries in Wales
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Local Health Boards in Wales, as at December 2016. The boundaries are full resolution - clipped to the coastline (Mean High... -
Local Health Boards (December 2016) Full Extent Boundaries in Wales
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Local Health Boards in Wales, as at December 2016. The boundaries are full resolution - extent of the realm (usually this is... -
Local Health Boards (December 2016) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in Wales
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Local Health Boards in Wales, as at December 2016. The boundaries are generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean... -
Local Health Boards (December 2016) Super Generalised Clipped Boundaries in W...
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Local Health Boards in Wales, as at December 2016. The boundaries are super generalised (200m) - clipped to the coastline... -
Local Health Boards (December 2016) Ultra Generalised Clipped Boundaries in W...
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Local Health Boards in Wales, as at December 2016. The boundaries are ultra generalised (500m) - clipped to the coastline... -
Strategic Clinical Networks (December 2016) Full Clipped Boundaries in England
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Strategic Clinical Networks in England, as at December 2016. The boundaries are full resolution - clipped to the coastline... -
Strategic Clinical Networks (December 2016) Full Extent Boundaries in England
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Strategic Clinical Networks in England, as at December 2016. The boundaries are full resolution - extent of the realm... -
SCN (Dec 2016) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Strategic Clinical Networks in England, as at December 2016. The boundaries are generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline... -
SCN (Dec 2016) Super Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Strategic Clinical Networks in England, as at December 2016. The boundaries are super generalised (200m) - clipped to the... -
SCN (December 2016) Ultra Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Strategic Clinical Networks in England, as at 31 December 2016. The boundaries available are: Full resolution - extent of... -
NHS England Regions (April 2017) Full Clipped Boundaries in England
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for NHS England Regions in England as at April 2017. The boundaries are full resolution - clipped to the coastline (Mean High... -
NHS England Regions (April 2017) Full Extent Boundaries in England
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for NHS England Regions in England as at April 2017. The boundaries are full resolution - extent of the realm (usually this is... -
NHS England Regions (April 2017) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for NHS England Regions in England as at April 2017. The boundaries are generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High... -
NHS England Regions (April 2017) Super Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for NHS England Regions in England as at April 2017. The boundaries are super generalised (200m) - clipped to the coastline... -
NHS England Regions (April 2017) Ultra Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for NHS England Regions in England as at April 2017. The boundaries are ultra generalised (500m) - clipped to the coastline... -
CCG (Apr 2017) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England V4
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England as at April 2017. The boundaries are generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline... -
CCG (Apr 2017) Super Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England V4
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England as at April 2017. The boundaries are super generalised (200m) - clipped to the... -
CCG (Apr 2017) Ultra Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England V4
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England as at April 2017. The boundaries are ultra generalised (500m) - clipped to the... -
Public Health England Regions (December 2016) Full Clipped Boundaries in England
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Public Health England Regions in England, as at December 2016. The boundaries are full resolution - clipped to the coastline...