Bare sand, wind speed, aspect and slope at four English and Welsh coastal san...
This data contains values of bare sand area, modelled wind speed, aspect and slope at a 2.5 m spatial resolution for four UK coastal dune fields, Abberfraw (Wales), Ainsdale... -
Non-agricultural pollution to rivers in Scotland
Estimates of annual loads of phosphorus, sediment, nitrogen and faecal coliform from non-agricultural sources to rivers in Scotland, reported at Water Framework Directive (WFD)... -
Flood impact matrices to assess flood resilience in Katakwi communities, Ugan...
This data were created as part of the NIMFRU project and consists of 21 flood matrices. These have been completed by community members from the project target communities of... -
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) bat data: 1993-2015
Bat species data from the UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) terrestrial sites. The count of individual species is recorded. These data are collected while walking a defined... -
Farm scale evaluations of herbicide tolerant genetically modified crops - maize
This dataset consists of a range of ecological measurements collected from a set of arable fields, each sown with a combination of genetically modified and conventional maize... -
Palaeolimnological data from 5 Arctic lakes in Greenland, Alaska and Norway [...
This dataset contains palaeolimnological data from sediment cores taken from five Arctic lakes. Two lakes located in Alaska were cored in July 2013, one lake located in... -
Windermere pike fecundity and egg data 1963-2003
This dataset consists of fecundity, egg and associated data on female pike (Esox lucius) from net sampling in Windermere. Data collection began in 1963. The data were initially... -
Water quality of urban surface freshwater in Kolkata, India, June 2018 to Dec...
This dataset comprises field sensor physicochemical and optical/fluorescence measurements, as well as laboratory microbiological and chemical analysis, for urban surface water... -
Fitness costs and benefits of intergroup interactions in banded mongooses in ...
This is a dataset on mortality costs and reproductive success from intergroup conflict in banded mongooses, collected from a wild population of banded mongooses on the Mweya... -
Morphological data from wild and lab-reared threespine sticklebacks from Icel...
The data contain measurements of the morphological shape of threespine stickleback from wild, F1 (filial generation 1) lab-reared, and F2-lab (filial generation 2) reared... -
Survival and performance of Speckled Wood butterflies in relation to microcli...
The datasets were collected during experiments undertaken to examine survival rates and larval performance of Speckled Wood butterflies (Pararge aegeria) in different habitats... -
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phyto...
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly... -
Global river cellulose decomposition assay data 2016-17
This dataset contains information regarding mountain river sites sampled in 2016-17. It includes: 1) physicochemical parameters of the river sites sampled, 2) tensile-strength... -
United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: species trends 2011
This dataset provides linear trends, over varying time periods, for the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS) Collated Indices of individual butterfly species across the UK.... -
Nitrogen and Carbon isotope data from 210Pb dated lake sediment cores in the ...
A dataset of historical sediment Carbon and Nitrogen isotope measurements from lake cores (n=95) spanning the range of lake types and catchments found across the UK. These data... -
Ecosystem function and vegetation data from a land use gradient on Salisbury ...
This dataset contains ecosystem function and vegetation survey data from soils collected from Salisbury Plain, UK. The sites were selected to reflect the four main grassland... -
Multivariate life history phenotype of 56 Daphnia magna clones reared in four...
This dataset contains information about the multivariate plastic life-history responses and thermal tolerance capability of 56 Daphnia magna clones exposed to 4 different...