Country Carbon Intensity Forecast
This dataset contains country carbon intensity forecast for the GB electricity system.The carbon intensity of electricity is a measure of how much CO2 emissions are produced per... -
Day Ahead Constraint Flows and Limits
A snapshot of the limits and flows at relevant boundaries at day ahead stage. These flow values are true for when the measurement was taken and will not reflect any changes in... -
Dynamic Containment 4 Day Forecast
The dataset contains forecasts of our Dynamic Containment Low and High requirements for the next 4-days. The methodology uses forecasted demand, inertia, and response volumes as... -
Regional Carbon Intensity Forecast
This dataset contains regional carbon intensity forecast for the GB electricity system.The carbon intensity of electricity is a measure of how much CO2 emissions are produced... -
Embedded Wind and Solar Forecasts
Electricity System Operator (ESO) publishes at a half-hourly resolution the embedded (refer to embedded document for definition) wind and solar forecast from within day up to 14... -
Day Ahead Demand Forecast
This dataset contains national electricity demand forecast for day ahead as well as all historic day ahead demand forecasts. The forecast assist the industry to make efficient... -
Daily operational planning margin requirement (OPMR)
OPMR is the amount of generation exceeding the demand forecast needed to meet our reserve requirement. When assessing and publishing generation availability information against... -
2 Day Ahead Demand Forecast
This dataset contains national electricity demand forecast for 2 days ahead as well as all historic 2 day ahead demand forecasts. The forecast assist the industry to make... -
Demand Data Update
This publication is similar to "Historic Demand Data" dataset but updated on a daily basis with approximately ten days lag in receiving settlement data. In the dataset embedded... -
Daily & Weekly NRAPM (Negative Reserve Active Power Margin) Forecast
This dataset contains NRAPM (Negative Reserve Active Power Margin) forecast for Daily 2-14 days ahead and Weekly for 2-52 weeks ahead for both National and Scotland. The purpose... -
2-14 Days Ahead Demand Forecast
This dataset contains national electricity demand forecasts for 2-14 days ahead (medium term) as well as all historic 2-14 days ahead forecasts. These forecasts assist the... -
14 Days Ahead Wind Forecasts
The dataset contains national and anonymised BMU-Level 0-14 day ahead wind forecasts for all the windfarms which are used to produce ESO's national day ahead incentive wind... -
7 Day Ahead Demand Forecast
This dataset contains national electricity demand forecast for 7 days ahead as well as all historic 7 day ahead demand forecasts. The forecast assist the industry to make... -
Demand Profile Dates
This dataset contains the historical and forecast profile dates used to convert our Cardinal Point forecasts into half hourly demand forecasts between the start of 2018 up to 14... -
Weekly operational planning margin requirement (OPMR)
OPMR is the amount of generation exceeding the demand forecast needed to meet our reserve requirement. When assessing and publishing generation availability information against... -
Load Forecast
This dataset contains a forecast of load for five years ahead. -
Dynamic Moderation Requirements
This dataset will contain our forecasted requirements for Dynamic Moderation. -
Monthly Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) Forecast Data
The Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) costs are reported on a monthly basis with a forecast for the next month and a rolling 24 month period. Here you can find the data... -
Dynamic Regulation Requirements
This dataset will contain our forecasted requirements for Dynamic Regulation. -
FES – road transport notes data table (ED6)
This dataset is a FES output of data tables containing the GB FES values for road transport. The FES represent a range of different, credible ways to decarbonise our energy...