SECARB Distributed Temperature Sensing Data
Distributed Temperature Sensing data files collected during the SECARB project from Detailed Area of Study wells (CFU F-1, F-2, F-3) at Cranfield oil site in Mississippi.... -
Frio Brine Project Data
Injection and observation data from two Frio Brine Pilot experiments conducted near Houston, Texas by the Gulf Coast Carbon Center. The items in the "Frio Documents" folder... -
Vertical Seismic Profile data collected in 2009 and 2010 as part of SECARB Phase III Early Test at Cranfield oilfield in Mississippi to determine CO2 induced change from seismic... -
SECARB Construction and Site Info
Site information, well schematics, component diagrams, and casing tally from the SECARB project at Cranfield oil site in Mississippi.