UK Windspeed Database
This wind speed database gives estimates of the annual mean wind speed throughout the UK. The data uses an air flow model to estimate the effect of topography on wind speed.... -
Wind Farm Self Assessment Maps
NERL (NATS En-Route PLC) employs advanced analysis tools and industry best practices to assess the impact of wind turbines on air traffic service electronic infrastructure.... -
UAS Airspace Restrictions - Digital Datasets
Navigation restrictions that are applicable to unmanned aircraft systems are published in the UK AIP (Section ENR 5.1 Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas) including... -
UAS Airspace Restrictions Map
Navigation restrictions that are applicable to unmanned aircraft systems are published in the UK AIP (Section ENR 5.1 Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas) including... -
REF -UK Renewable Electricity Target Tracker
Find data on the projected renewable electricity output from the consented electricity capacity in the UK planning system -
REF -Wind Constraint Payments
Find data on the constraint payments paid to wind farms under the balancing mechanism to reduce output in the event of constraint -
REF -FiT Generators
Find data on small scale renewable generators (up to 5MW) subsidised by the Feed in Tariff Scheme -
REF -British Electricity Generation (Balancing Mechanism) Fuel Mix
Find British Electricity Generation Fuel Mix derived from historic Balancing Mechanism data -
REF - Renewable Generators
Find generation data for individual large scale renewable generators subsidised by the Renewables Obligation or by the Feed in Tariff and claiming REGOs -
REF - Renewable Electricity Totals
This shows the UK renewable electricity generation data aggregated by year, country, technology type and subsidy -
CFRF Data/Tools Providers List
The Climate Financial Risk Forum (CFRF) list of data and tools providers is a collection of currently-available climate risk data, tools and products for financial institutions.... -
CFRF Climate Narrative Tool
The tool summarises the relevant climate-related risks and opportunities for banks, insurers and asset managers based on the business activities, products, or risks of the firm... -
CGFI Wind and Flood Risk Correlation Explorer
The Wind/Flood Risk Correlation Explorer demo displays correlations for wind gust vs precipitation or river flow, as well as correlations between the team’s new Flood Severity... -
Environmental Data by Political Constituency
This data set brings together data by parliamentary constituency in England and Wales for air pollution, energy, and nature. -
Air Pollution Data by Council
Using 2022 air pollution data published by DEFRA FoE have identified the number of neighbourhoods in council areas in England and Wales that exceed World Health Organisation... -
Built Environment Carbon Database (BECD) UK
The database is envisioned to become the main source of carbon estimating and benchmarking for the UK construction sector and a practical instrument to support the... -
ORE Catapult dataPOD
The dissemination Platform for Operational Data describes the data from operational assets that can be obtained from ORE Catapult. It includes various filtering options and... -
BRE Excess Cold Calculator
The tool is designed to assist Environmental Health Practitioners and Technical Officers in the assessment of the hazard of Excess Cold in UK dwellings. -
UK and Ireland Lake Phytoplankton
Phytoplankton taxonomic data for UK and Irish lakes. More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - BF_W_16-L-NCA... -
UK National River Flow Archive (NRFA)
The NRFA is the UK's focal point for river flow data. Collating, quality control and archive hydrometric data from gauging station networks across the UK including the extensive...