NRW Surface Water Flood Risk 1000 yr (2013)
This dataset has been superseded by the Surface Water & Small Watercourses component of the new “National Flood Hazard Maps” and FRAW (2019) -
NRW Surface Water Flood Risk 100 yr (2013)
This dataset has been superseded by the Surface Water & Small Watercourses component of the new “National Flood Hazard Maps” and FRAW (2019) -
NRW Surface Water Flood Risk 30 yr (2013)
This dataset has been superseded by the Surface Water & Small Watercourses component of the new “National Flood Hazard Maps” and FRAW (2019) -
EPA FRS Facilities
To improve public health and the environment, the EPA collects information about facilities or sites subject to environmental regulation. This page provides state comma... -
CPC Soil Moisture
The monthly data set consists of a file containing monthly averaged soil moisture water height equivalents. Note that data is model-calculated and not measured directly. The... -
Allows users to access high-resolution environmental and demographic information for locations in the United States, and compare their selected locations to the rest of the... -
SPARROW Surface Water-Quality Modeling
A modeling tool for the regional interpretation of water-quality monitoring data. Internet Archive URL: https://web.archive.org/web/2017*/http://water.usgs.gov/nawqa/sparrow -
National Service Center for Environmental Publications Online Publication Tit...
Index of online publications from the National Service Center for Environmental Publication (NSCEP) of the United States Environmental Protection Agency through the National... -
ECHO Facility Search Results
Use EPA's Enforcement and Compliance History Online website to search for facilities in your community to assess their compliance with environmental regulations. You can also... -
Clean Water Rule: Drinking Water Map
Documents Related to the Clean Water Rule Internet Archive URL: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.epa.gov/cleanwaterrule/documents-related-clean-water-rule -
Precipitation Frequency Data Server
The Precipitation Frequency Data Server (PFDS) is a point-and-click interface developed to deliver NOAA Atlas 14 precipitation frequency estimates and associated information.... -
Envirofacts KML
EPA Regional data downloads in KML format (.kmz) -- 10 US regions Information about facilities or sites subject to environmental regulation. Envirofacts integrates information... -
Envirofacts CSV
EPA-collected information about facilities or sites subject to environmental regulation. Data-set is a national level CSV file containing key information of all facilities and... -
National Water Model (10 Day Forecast)
The National Water Model (NWM) is a new product from the National Weather Service that forecasts streamflow volume and velocity over the entire continental United States. It... -
Live Stream Gauges
Information on the amount of water flowing in streams and rivers is critical to the management of water resources, emergency response to flooding, fisheries management, and many... -
Seismic Survey 2016 Data at San Emidio Nevada
In December 2016, 1301 vertical-component seismic instruments were deployed at the San Emidio Geothermal field in Nevada. The first record starts at 2016-12-05T02:00:00.000000Z... -
Passive Seismic Emission Tomography Results at San Emidio Nevada
The utility of passive seismic emission tomography for mapping geothermal permeability has been tested at San Emidio in Nevada. The San Emidio study area overlaps a geothermal... -
Chemistry of the thermal water samples of the Camas Prairie area in Idaho, USA
This dataset includes chemistry of geothermal water samples of the Camas Prairie area in Idaho. The samples included in this dataset were collected over the period of 2016-2019.... -
Pacific Marine Energy Center Laser Doppler Velocimetry Commissioning
First commissioning data for the new laser doppler velocimetry (LDV) system that will be used at the Tyler Flume at the University of Washington. The LDV system can measure... -
Utah FORGE Phase 3 Native State Model: 2022 Update
This is the Phase 3 native state model update. The Phase 3 numerical model represents a significant subsurface volume below the FORGE site footprint. The model domain of 4.0 km...