annual average model predicted concentrations without and with DMS chemistry
COMBINE_CONC_A0_2016_without_DMS_AVG.tar – annual average model predicted concentrations without DMS chemistry COMBINE_CONC_A_2016_annual_AVG.tar – annual average model... -
Data Fusion approach for spatial analysis of speciated PM2.5 across time
speciated pm2.5 monitoring data and total pm2.5 monitoring data. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Rundel, C., E. Schliep, A. Gelfand, and D. Holland.... -
Fortran/NCARgraphics program to compute and plot RRF mean and variability:map_rrf_variability_13runs_epimax.f Ioapi files needed by Fortran/NCARGraphics code:... -
Files for 2019 manuscript "Multipollutant modeling of ozone, reactive nitroge...
Model output used to generate figures 1-8, demonstrating differences between three different versions of Carbon Bond mechanisms and performance of the model against observed... -
CMAQ predicted concentration files
model predicted concentrations. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Muñiz-Unamunzaga, M., R. Borge, G. Sarwar, B. Gantt, D. de la Paz, C. Cuevas, and A.... -
CDIAC ORNL Carbon Dioxide Emissions Data from Anonymous FTP Area
CDIAC's data holdings include estimates of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel consumption and land-use changes; records of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide... -
Brady Geodatabase for Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence
These files contain the geodatabases related to Brady's Geothermal Field. It includes all input and output files for the Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence. Input... -
Desert Peak Geodatabase for Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence
These files contain the geodatabases related to the Desert Peak Geothermal Field. It includes all input and output files used in the project. The files include data categories... -
Utah FORGE: Seismic Velocity Models, February 2021
This dataset contains a map, showing the Utah FORGE seismic stations, and seismic velocity model data. There are 61 1-D velocity models which are in a compressed TAR file. A... -
Brady's Geothermal Field Nodal Seismometer Earthquake Data
90-second records of data from 238 three-component nodal seismometer deployed at Bradys geothermal field. The time window catches an earthquake arrival. Earthquake data from... -
Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis Model
Custom MATLAB and custom GMT scripts for Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis modeling.