Non-BM ancillary service dispatch platform (ASDP) instructions
The ESO publishes non-BM instruction data from our ASDP system. This data is published in near real-time from the ASDP every 30 seconds. A new monthly file is only created when... -
Daily & Weekly NRAPM (Negative Reserve Active Power Margin) Forecast
This dataset contains NRAPM (Negative Reserve Active Power Margin) forecast for Daily 2-14 days ahead and Weekly for 2-52 weeks ahead for both National and Scotland. The purpose... -
2-14 Days Ahead Demand Forecast
This dataset contains national electricity demand forecasts for 2-14 days ahead (medium term) as well as all historic 2-14 days ahead forecasts. These forecasts assist the... -
Carbon Intensity of Balancing Actions
The carbon intensity of balancing actions measures the difference between the carbon intensity of the combined Final Physical Notice (FPN) of machines in the Balancing Mechanism... -
Weekly Wind Availability
This publication displays the Electricity System Operator’s (ESO) wind generator availability in megawatt (MW) at a generator level at a weekly resolution for 2-52 weeks ahead.... -
Viking Link - NGESO's Net Transfer Capacity
These are the values submitted by NGESO to the interconnector capacity calculation processes which restrict the maximum GB import and export interconnector flows. The values are... -
Frequency Response Products Market Information
Frequency Response Products Market Information Report aims to give guidance on the response products requirement and updates on recent changes to procurement of those products. -
Embedded Register
A list of connected or contracted to connect embedded generation projects in Scotland. -
Disaggregated Balancing Services Adjustment Data (BSAD)
Balancing Services Adjustment Data (BSAD) is used to submit balancing actions to the Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC), which defines the rules and governance for the... -
ElecLink - NGESO's Net Transfer Capacity
These are the values submitted by NGESO to the interconnector capacity calculation processes which restrict the maximum GB import and export interconnector flows. The values are... -
Daily Wind Availability
This publication displays the Electricity System Operator’s (ESO) wind generator availability in megawatts (MW) at a daily resolution for 2-14 days ahead.... -
7 Day Ahead Demand Forecast
This dataset contains national electricity demand forecast for 7 days ahead as well as all historic 7 day ahead demand forecasts. The forecast assist the industry to make... -
Daily Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) Volume Data
The BSUoS charge recovers the cost of day-to-day operation of the transmission system. Generators and suppliers are liable for these charges, which are calculated daily as a... -
BritNed - NGESO's Intraday Trading Limit
These are the values submitted by NGESO to the interconnector capacity calculation processes which restrict the maximum GB import and export interconnector flows. The values are... -
Demand Profile Dates
This dataset contains the historical and forecast profile dates used to convert our Cardinal Point forecasts into half hourly demand forecasts between the start of 2018 up to 14... -
Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) day ahead buy curve
As part of Clean Energy Package (CEP) 6.9, we will be running daily auction for procurement of STOR. The buy curve used in the daily assessment process is available here. -
Enduring Auction Capability (EAC) auction results
The current suite of response services (DC, DM, and DR) are now being procured via the EAC platform. The daily auction results will now be published below. The previous results... -
NemoLink - NGESO's Net Transfer Capacity
These are the values submitted by NGESO to the interconnector capacity calculation processes which restrict the maximum GB import and export interconnector flows. The values are... -
Balancing Services Contract Enactment
National Grid ESO procures balancing service contracts to balance demand and supply and to ensure the security and quality of electricity supply across Britain's transmission... -
Wind BOA Volumes
This dataset contains the volumes of all BOAs taken on wind BMUs that are used in our incentive wind forecasts.