Cardiovascular Disease Mortality (Outdated)
This layer represents the proportion of deaths in a population due to cardiovascular disease (NCHS 113: Major cardiovascular diseases). The rate represents the age adjusted rate... -
Proximity to National Priorities List Facilities (Outdated)
This layer represents the count of sites proposed and listed on the National Priorities List (NPL), directly downloaded from EJSCREEN in 2017. A detailed description is... -
Proximity to Risk Management Plan Facilities (Outdated)
This layer represents the proximity of facilities with a Risk Management Plan (RMP) by displaying the count of facilities within 5 km of a tract divided by the distance of the... -
Ozone Concentration (Current Version)
This layer represents the three year mean concentration of daily maximum 8-hour rolling averaged ozone for 2009-2011 from AIRPACT. A detailed description is available here:... -
PM2 5 Concentration (Current Version)
This layer represents the three year mean concentration of annual PM2.5 for 2009-2011 from AIRPACT. A detailed description can be found here:... -
Transportation Expense (Current Version)
This layer represents the transportation costs based on percentage of income for the regional moderate household. A detailed description is available here:... -
No High School Diploma (Current Version)
This layer represents the percentage of people who have not received a high school diploma or GED by the age of 25. A detailed description is available here:... -
Social Vulnerability Index
Census tracts to target Care-A-Van events. -
EHD Socioeconomic Factors, Theme Ranking (Outdated)
This layer represents a combined ranking of Limited English, No HS Diploma, Race/Ethnicity, Poverty, Unaffordable Housing and Percent Unemployed. -
EHD Environmental Exposures, Theme Ranking (Outdated)
This layer represents a combined ranking of Diesel Emissions, Ozone, PM 2.5, Traffic and Toxic Releases. -
Environmental Health Disparities, Overall Ranking (Outdated)
This layer represents the overall ranking for Environmental Exposures, Environmental Effects, Socioeconomic Factors and Sensitive Populations. More information is available... -
EHD Sensitive Populations, Theme Ranking (Outdated)
This layer represents a combined ranking of Deaths from Cardiovascular Disease and Low Birth Weight. -
EHD Environmental Exposures, Theme Ranking (Current Version)
This layer represents a combined ranking of Diesel Emissions, Ozone, PM 2.5, Traffic and Toxic Releases. -
Wellhead Protection Areas (10 year)
Polygons depict 10 year time of travel estimates for active group a public drinking water supplies. Source location data were obtained from the Washington State Department of... -
Wellhead Protection Areas (Assigned)
Polygons depict default assigned 1,000 ft. time of travel estimates for active group a public drinking water supplies. Source location data were obtained from the Washington... -
Wellhead Protection Areas (6 month)
Polygons depict 6 month time of travel estimates for active group a public drinking water supplies. Source location data were obtained from the Washington State Department of... -
Wellhead Protection Areas (Group B)
Polygons depict default 600ft. time of travel estimates for active group b public drinking water supplies. Source location data were obtained from the Washington State... -
Recreational Shellfish Beaches
Public beaches that the DOH recommends for potential shellfish harvesting. -
American Community Survey (ACS) estimates of persons with disabilities or oth...
Estimates of persons with disabilities or other support needs by Census tract in Washington State. DSHS prepared estimates of persons with disabilities or other support needs in... -
Air Quality Non-Attainment Areas: Ozone (O3)
Ambient monitoring measures the status of air quality throughout the state to assess trends, compliance with federal and state air quality standards, effectiveness of control...