Profiles of temperature and water vapor physically retrieved from the AERI sp...
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Solar and Infrared Radiation Observing Station (SIROS): 1-min data with Dutto...
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Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Buoys: salinity data at 165 E, 8 N, 10-min avg
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Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Buoys: radiometric data at 165 E, 5 S, 2-min avg
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Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Buoys: precipitation data at 165 E, 8 S, 10-min avg
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VISST-derived pixel-level products from satellite MTSAT, version 3
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VISST-derived pixel-level products from satellite MTSAT-2, version 4
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NCEP GFS: flux variables at Atqasuk
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NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard heights, at Barrow
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VISST-derived pixel-level products from satellite GOES13
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QME: derived AERI, tower, sonde profiles of temp & water vapor
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Temperature Profiles from Raman Lidar at 60-min averaging interval
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Raman LIDAR (RL): 10-sec water vapor mixing ratio andrelative humidity profi...
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Derived: Aerosol intensive properties from AOS, Delene and Ogren et al, 2001
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915-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP915): high power, wind consensus data
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VISST-derived pixel-level products from satellite MTSAT, version 4
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1290-MHz Radar Wind Profiler, precipitation consensus data
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Horizontal wind speed and direction from ultrasonic wind sensor (Vaisala WS42...
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NCEP GFS: flux variables at Darwin
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MPL: 30-second cloud mask using the first Z. Wang, et al algorithm
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