Helium isotope study of Geothermal Features in Chile with Field and Laborator...
Helium isotope and stable isotope data from the El Tatio, Tinginguirica, Chillan, and Tolhuaca geothermal systems, Chile. Data from this submission are discussed in: Dobson,... -
Chlorite Dissolution Kinetics at Variable pH and Temperatures up to 275C
FY13 annual report describing the calculations and results associated with the data and dissolution rate contained in "Chlorite Kinetic Dissolution Data and Rate" (linked below). -
Exploration Case Studies on OpenEI
The goal of this project was to create a template (and associated form) on OpenEI to solicit crowd-sourced information sharing about various geothermal resource areas around the... -
Exploration Best Practices on OpenEI
This is an electronic database detailing different types of, various phases of, best practices for, and cost and time associated with geothermal exploration techniques. The... -
Chlorite Dissolution Rates From 25 to 275 degrees and pH 3 to 10
We have calculated a chlorite dissolution rate equation at far from equilibrium conditions by combining new data (20 experiments at high temperature) with previously published... -
Hot Pot Mercury Concentration Map
Location of sample points and analytical results for mercury concentrations from a soil survey. -
Argonne Geothermal Geochemical Database v2.0
A database of geochemical data from potential geothermal sources aggregated from multiple sources as of March 2010. The database contains fields for the location, depth,... -
Chemical Impact of Elevated CO2 on Geothermal Energy Production
Numerical simulations have shown that the use of supercritical CO2 instead of water as a heat transfer fluid yields significantly greater heat extraction rates for geothermal... -
Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies for Newberry Volcano: Geoch...
Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies for Newberry Volcano: DOE Geochemistry data from deep wells 55-29 and 46-16 at Newberry 2012 -
The Use of 3D Geologic Modeling to Improve Well Targeting in Glass Buttes, Or...
The Glass Buttes Project includes combining a suite of high-resolution geophysical and geochemical techniques to reduce exploration risk by characterizing hydrothermal... -
Global River Sediments (GloRiSe)
This database is a set of 2828 suspended and bed sediment compositional measurements from 1683 locations around the globe. It is named Global River Sediments (GloRiSe), and...