915-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP915): wind consensus data
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VISST-derived pixel-level products from satellite Feng-Yun2E
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Short Wave Flux Analysis: 15-min resolution on SKYRAD data, Long algorithm
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AERI ch. 1 radiance data, with uncorrelated random error (noise) filtered out
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VISST-derived gridded products from satellite GOES10, version 4
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Temperature Profiles from Raman Lidar at 10-min averaging interval
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Sixty Meter Tower: temperature, humidity, & vapor pressure, 30-min avg
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Rapid Refresh Model Output Data at Synoptic Scales
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NCEP GFS: flux variables at Barrow
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NCEP GFS: flux variables
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Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Buoys: radiometric data at 165 E, 8 N, 2-min avg
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Merged analog and photon counting profiles used as input for other RLPROF VAPs
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EBBR: bulk aerodynamic estimates of sensible & latent heat fluxes, 30-min
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NCEP GFS: surface variables at Barrow
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Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Buoys: radiometric data at 165 E, 8 S, 2-min avg
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NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at sigma layers, at Darwin
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VISST-derived pixel-level products from satellite Meteosat-9
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BBSS: derived, relative humidity scaled with MWR
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VISST-derived pixel-level products from satellite GOES15, version 4
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VISST-derived gridded products from satellite goes10, version 2
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