NHS Postcode Directory for the UK Full (November 2017)
This file contains the 'Full' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at November 2017. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a range of... -
NHS Postcode Directory for the UK Full (November 2018)
This file contains the 'Full' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at November 2018. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a range of... -
NHS Postcode Directory for the UK Full (November 2019)
This file contains the 'Full' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at November 2019. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a range of... -
NHS Postcode Directory for the UK Full (November 2020)
This file contains the 'Full' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at November 2020. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a range of... -
NHS Postcode Directory for the UK Full (November 2021)
This file contains the 'Full' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at November 2021. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a range of... -
NHS Postcode Directory for the UK Full (November 2022)
This file contains the 'Full' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at November 2022. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a range of... -
NHS Postcode Directory for the UK Full (November 2023)
This file contains the 'Full' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at November 2023. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a range of... -
ONS Postcode Directory (August 2011) for the UK
This is the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for the United Kingdom as at August 2011 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. This file contains the multi... -
ONS Postcode Directory (August 2016) for the UK (V2)
This is the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for the United Kingdom as at August 2016 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. This file contains the multi... -
ONS Postcode Directory (August 2017) for the UK
This is the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for the United Kingdom as at August 2017 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. This file contains the multi... -
ONS Postcode Directory (August 2018) for the UK
This is the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for the United Kingdom as at August 2018 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. This file contains the multi... -
ONS Postcode Directory (August 2019) for the UK
This is the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for the United Kingdom as at August 2019 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. This file contains the multi... -
ONS Postcode Directory (August 2020) for the UK
This is the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for the United Kingdom as at August 2020 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. This file contains the multi... -
ONS Postcode Directory (August 2021) for the UK
This is the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for the United Kingdom as at August 2021 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. This file contains the multi... -
ONS Postcode Directory (August 2022) for the UK
This is the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for the United Kingdom as at August 2022 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. This file contains the multi... -
ONS Postcode Directory (August 2023) for the UK
This is the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for the United Kingdom as at August 2023 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. This file contains the multi... -
ONS Postcode Directory (February 2017) for the UK
This is the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for the United Kingdom as at February 2017 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. This file contains the... -
ONS Postcode Directory (February 2018) for the UK
N.B. PLEASE READ THE USER GUIDE AND THE README.TXT FILE This is the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for the United Kingdom as at February 2018 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV)... -
ONS Postcode Directory (February 2019) for the UK
This is the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for the United Kingdom as at February 2019 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. This file contains the... -
ONS Postcode Directory (February 2020) for the UK
This is the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for the United Kingdom as at February 2020 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. This file contains the...