NATCARB Saline v1501 archive
This dataset provides a single, seamless spatial database of carbon storage potentials for saline formations across the USA and parts of Canada compiled from regional datasets... -
NATCARB Oil and Gas v1302 (Archived)
The National Carbon Sequestration Database and Geographic Information System (NATCARB) Oil and Gas spatial database is a small-scale (large-area) overview of carbon dioxide... -
Bell Creek 2012 Baseline Seismic Survey
Bell Creek baseline seismic survey conducted in 2012. The raster layers represent a map of the RMS amplitude slice between the horizons Springen Ranch and the Skull Creek... -
NATCARB Saline v1302 (Archived)
The National Carbon Sequestration Database and Geographic Information System (NATCARB) Saline spatial database is a small-scale (large-area) overview of carbon dioxide (CO2)... -
Energy Identification Codes (EICs)
Over many years, a coding scheme has been developed, managed and maintained within ENTSO-E (under the Common Information Model Expert Group) to facilitate cross-border exchanges... -
FOIA Requests (FY 2007-2015)
Review summary data on IMLS' annual reports on Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from FY 2007 to FY 2015. Full reports are available at... -
LSTA Allotments (FY 2003-2016)
Review Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) allotments by state from FY 2003 to FY 2016. The Grants to States program is the largest source of federal funding support for... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 2009, Part 1: Operations & Workforce
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
GPM_3IMERGM: GPM L3 IMERG Final 1 month 0.1 degree x 0.1 degree precipitation...
These are provided to both the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Morphing-Kalman Filter (CMORPH-KF) Lagrangian time interpolation scheme and the Precipitation Estimation from... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 2007, Part 3: Revenue & Expenditures
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 2001, Part 2: SLAA-Provided Services
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
Public Housing Developments, HUD
Public Housing was established to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Location data for... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 2004, Part 2: SLAA-Provided Services
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 2010, Part 1: Operations & Workforce
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
Marine Protected Areas Inventory
NOAA's Marine Protected Areas Inventory (MPA Inventory) describes all MPAs in U.S. waters, specifying where they are and what they do. This comprehensive geospatial database... -
GPM_3IMERGDL: GPM (IMERG) Late Precipitation L3 1 day 0.1 degree x 0.1 degree...
This dataset contains satellite-collected precipitation data that feeds into a climate prediction model and cloud classification model. These are provided to both the Climate... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 1999, Part 1: Operations & Workforce
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
FEC Contributions
FEC contributions by both individuals and by committees. See the following data dictionaries: Data Dictionary - Contributions by Individuals General Description 2015-current:... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 1996, Part 3: Revenue & Expenditures
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a... -
State Libraries Survey, FY 1994, Part 2: SLAA-Provided Services
Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a...