Clinical Commissioning Groups to STP to CAL and NCV (April 2017) Lookup in EN...
A lookup file between clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), sustainability and transformation partnerships (STP) and Cancer Alliances / National Cancer Vanguards (CALNCV) in... -
Clinical Commissioning Groups to STP to CAL and NCV (April 2018) Lookup in EN...
A lookup file between clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), sustainability and transformation partnerships (STP) and Cancer Alliances / National Cancer Vanguards (CALNCV) in... -
Local Authority District to PHEC to PHEREG (December 2018) Lookup in EN
This is a lookup file between local authority districts, Public Health England Centres and Public Health England Regions in England as at 31st December 2018. (File Size - 88... -
Local Authority District to PHEC to PHEREG (July 2015) Lookup in EN
A lookup between local authority districts (LADs), Public Health England Regions (PHEREGs) and Public Health England Centres (PHECs) in England as at 31 July 2015 (File Size... -
Local Authority District to Strategic Clinical Network (December 2016) Lookup...
A lookup file between local authority districts (LAD) and strategic clinical networks (SCN) in England as at 31 December 2016. (File Size - 64 KB)Column Descriptions:... -
Local Authority District to Strategic Clinical Network (December 2018) Lookup...
A lookup file between local authority districts (LAD) and strategic clinical networks (SCN) in England as at 31st December 2018. (File Size - 64 KB) Field Names - LAD18CD,... -
LSOA (2011) to Clinical Commissioning Group to LAD (April 2016) Lookup in EN
A lookup file between 2011 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), clinical commissioning groups (CCG) and local authority districts (LAD) in England, as at April 2016 (File Size... -
LSOA (2011) to Clinical Commissioning Group to LAD (April 2018) Lookup in EN
A lookup file between 2011 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), to clinical commissioning groups (CCG) and local authority districts (LAD) in England, as at 1 April 2018.... -
LSOA (2011) to Clinical Commissioning Group to LAD (April 2019) Lookup in EN
A lookup file between 2011 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), to clinical commissioning groups (CCG) and local authority districts (LAD) in England, as at 1 April 2019.... -
LSOA (2011) to Clinical Commissioning Group to LAD (July 2015) Lookup in EN
A lookup between 2011 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs), clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and local authority districts (LADs) in England, as at 31 July 2015 (File Size... -
LSOA (2011) to Clinical Commissioning Group to STP to CAL (April 2020) Lookup...
A lookup file between 2011 lower layer super output areas (LSOAs) clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), sustainability and transformation partnerships (STP) and Cancer Alliances... -
LSOA (2011) to Clinical Commissioning Group to STP to CAL (April 2021) Lookup...
A lookup file between 2011 lower layer super output areas (LSOAs) clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), sustainability and transformation partnerships (STP) and Cancer Alliances... -
LSOA (2011) to Clinical Commissioning Group to STP to CAL (July 2019) Lookup ...
A lookup file between 2011 lower layer super output areas (LSOAs) clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), sustainability and transformation partnerships (STP) and Cancer Alliances... -
LSOA (2011) to CCG to STP to CAL and NCV (April 2018) Lookup in EN (V2)
A lookup file between 2011 lower layer super output areas (LSOAs) clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), sustainability and transformation partnerships (STP) and Cancer Alliances... -
LSOA (2011) to CCG to STP (April 2018) Lookup in EN (V3)
This is a lookup file between 2011 lower layer super output areas, 2018 clinical commissioning groups, 2018 sustainability and transformation partnerships and 2018 local... -
LSOA (2011) to CCG to STP (April 2019) Lookup in EN
This is a lookup file between 2011 lower layer super output areas, 2019 clinical commissioning groups, 2019 sustainability and transformation partnerships and 2019 local... -
Unitary Authority to Local Health Board (April 2019) Lookup in WA
A lookup file between unitary authorities and local health boards in Wales as at 1st April 2019. (File Size - 16 KB)File includes the boundary change between W11000026 -... -
Unitary Authority to Local Health Board (December 2018) Lookup in WA
A lookup file between unitary authorities and local health boards in Wales as at 31 December 2018. (File Size - 16 KB)Field Names - UA18CD, UA18NM, LHB18CD, LHB18NMField Types... -
Unitary Authority to Local Health Board (December 2020) Lookup in WA
A lookup file between unitary authorities and local health boards in Wales as at 31st December 2020. (File Size - 16 KB)Field Names - UA20CD, UA20NM, LHB20CD, LHB20NM, FIDField... -
Index of Multiple Deprivation (December 2019) Lookup in WA
This file contains the lookup between Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA) and Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) scores in Wales as at 31 December 2019.REST URL of Feature...