International Territorial Levels Level 1 (January 2021) Names and Codes in th...
This file contains names and codes for International Territorial Levels, Level 1 (ITL1) in the United Kingdom as at the 1st January 2021. (File Size - 16 KB)Field Names -... -
International Territorial Levels Level 2 (January 2021) Names and Codes in th...
This file contains names and codes for International Territorial Levels, Level 2 (ITL1) in the United Kingdom as at the 1st January 2021. (File Size - 16 KB)Field Names -... -
NUTS Level 1 (January 2018) Names and Codes in the UK
This file contains names and codes for Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics, level 1 (NUTS1) in the United Kingdom as at the 1 January 2018. (File Size - 16... -
NUTS Level 2 (January 2018) Names and Codes in the UK
This file contains names and codes for The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS), level 2 areas in the UK as at 1 January 2018. (File Size - 16 KB)Field Names... -
Local Administrative Units Level 1 (January 2021) Names and Codes in the UK
This file contains names and codes for local administrative units - level 1 in the United Kingdom as at 1st January 2021. (File size - 48KB)Field Names - LAU121CD,... -
Output Area (2011) to LAU2 (December 2016) Best Fit Lookup in EW
This is a best fit lookup between Output Areas (OA) to local administrative units level 2 (LAU2) as at 31 December 2016 in England and Wales. (File Size - 17 MB)Column... -
Output Area (2011) to LAU2 (December 2017) Best Fit Lookup in EW
This is a best fit lookup between 2011 Output Areas (OA) to local administrative units level 2 (LAU2) as at 31 December 2017 in England and Wales. (File Size - 19 MB) Field... -
LAD (2013) to NUTS3 to NUTS2 to NUTS1 (January 2015) Lookup in the UK
A lookup between local authority districts (LAD) as at 31 December 2013 and Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS level 3, NUTS level 2 and NUTS level 1 areas... -
Local Administrative Units Level 1 (January 2012) Names and Codes in the UK
This file contains names and codes for local administrative units, level 1 in the United Kingdom as at the 1 January 2012 (File Size 11KB).REST URL of Feature Access Service –... -
Local Administrative Units Level 2 (January 2012) Names and Codes in the UK
This file contains names and codes for local administrative units, level 2 in the United Kingdom as at the 1 January 2012 (File Size 261KB).REST URL of Feature Access Service –... -
Local Administrative Units Level 2 (December 2015) Names and Codes in the UK
This file contains names and codes for local administrative units (LAU), level 2 in the United Kingdom as at the 31 December 2015 (File Size 248KB).REST URL of Feature Access...