Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies (July 2024) Names and Codes in the U...
This file contains the names and codes for Future Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies, operative 4th July 2024, in the United Kingdom. Field Names - PCON24CD, PCON24NM,... -
Westminster PCON (May 2010) to Westminster PCON (July 2024) Lookup in the UK ...
This file is a lookup between Westminster parliamentary constituencies (2010) and the Westminster parliamentary constituencies, operative 4th July 2024 in the United Kingdom.... -
Ward to Westminster Parliamentary Constituency to LAD to UTLA (July 2024) Loo...
This file is a lookup between electoral wards/divisions, Westminster parliamentary constituencies, local authority districts and upper tier local authorities in the United... -
Westminster PCON (2010) to Westminster PCON (2025) Lookup in the UK v2
This file is a lookup between Westminster parliamentary constituencies (2010) and the future Westminster parliamentary constituencies in the United Kingdom. File size - 304... -
The Distribution Future Energy Scenarios outline the range of credible futures for the growth of the distribution network. Distribution Future Energy Scenarios aggregated to an... -
FES – Electricity Supply Data Table (ES1)
The Future Energy Scenarios (FES) represent a range of different, credible ways to decarbonise our energy system as we strive towards the 2050 target. One of the FES outputs... -
Regional breakdown of FES data (Electricity)
Long term electricity forecasts per region covering demand, demand side response and distributed generation based on our Future Energy Scenarios. Regions presented are Grid... -
Future Energy Scenario (FES) Building Block Data
We have been working with the other network companies as part of the Energy Networks Association (ENA) Open Networks project. The Whole System Electricity Future Energy...