Swiss Re Sustainability Report and TCFD data 2020
Swiss Re embed sustainability across the business activities, considering ESG factors in underwriting, investments and operations while ensuring that sustainability is... -
HSBC ESG Data Pack 2021
HSBC’s 2021 data pack and accompanying reports and policies includes updates on their activities in support of sustainable finance and commitments relating to diversity and... -
Barclays ESG Data Centre 2022
Barclays’ 2022 ESG data centre and accompanying reports and policies -
Macquarie ESG Dataset 2023
Macquarie structures its ESG approach around eight focus areas considered to be material to the business and stakeholders. -
Aviva ESG Data Sheet 2022
Aviva’s 2022 ESG data sheet and accompanying reports and policies -
SFDR data library
The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) looks to create a standard set of disclosures and grow transparency around sustainability risks and adverse sustainability...