Energy Consents Unit Application Search Tool
Users can find certain applications in relation to energy infrastructure are made to the Scottish Ministers for determination.These cases are administered by the Energy Consents... -
Renewable Energy Planning Database Map
The Renewable Energy Planning Database (REPD) map tracks the progress of renewable electricity over 150kW through the planning system across the UK. It provides as accurate and... -
REF -UK Renewable Electricity Target Tracker
Find data on the projected renewable electricity output from the consented electricity capacity in the UK planning system -
REF -Wind Constraint Payments
Find data on the constraint payments paid to wind farms under the balancing mechanism to reduce output in the event of constraint -
REF -FiT Generators
Find data on small scale renewable generators (up to 5MW) subsidised by the Feed in Tariff Scheme -
REF -British Electricity Generation (Balancing Mechanism) Fuel Mix
Find British Electricity Generation Fuel Mix derived from historic Balancing Mechanism data -
REF - Renewable Generators
Find generation data for individual large scale renewable generators subsidised by the Renewables Obligation or by the Feed in Tariff and claiming REGOs -
REF - Renewable Electricity Totals
This shows the UK renewable electricity generation data aggregated by year, country, technology type and subsidy -
Electric Power Annual
Annual data on electricity generating capacity, electricity generation and useful thermal output, fuel receipts, fuel stocks, sales, consumption, and emissions in the United... -
Annual Energy Review
A report of historical annual energy statistics. For many series, data begin with the year 1949. Included are data on total energy production, consumption, and trade; overviews... -
EAGLE-I energy infrastructure tool
EAGLE-I, an interactive geographic information system (GIS) that allows users to view and map the nation's energy infrastructure and obtain near real-time informational updates... -
ENTSO-E Transparency Platform API
The ENTSO-E Transparency Platform API is a restful API synchronous interface. It allows users to pull the load, generation, transmission, balancing, outages, congestion... -
ENTSO-E Transmission System Map
This map is a comprehensive illustration of the transmission system network operated by members of the European Network of Transmission System Operators. This means that network... -
ENTSO-E Transparency Platform Dashboard
Central collection and publication of electricity generation, transportation and consumption data and information for the pan-European market. -
Global Solar Atlas
The primary aim of this Global Solar Atlas is to provide quick and easy access to solar resource and photovoltaic power potential data globally, at a click of a mouse. GIS... -
RTE Data Portal
The data portal contains various datasets on Generation, Consumption, Market, Exchanges, and Partners. To access the information and Public Data Services available on the... -
Renewable & Alternative Fuels
Find statistics on renewable energy consumption by source type, electric capacity and electricity generation from renewable sources, biomass and alternative fuels. Internet... -
Preliminary Monthly Electric Generator Inventory (based on Form EIA-860M as a...
The monthly survey Form EIA-860M, ‘Monthly Update to Annual Electric Generator Report’ supplements the annual survey form EIA-860 data with monthly information that monitors the... -
Annual Electric Generator Data
The survey Form EIA-860 collects generator-level specific information about existing and planned generators and associated environmental equipment at electric power plants with... -
Tariff List
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The eTariff Viewer allows the public access to view the status of Tariffs which have been submitted to FERC. Internet Archive URL:...