WASUIT is a computer program which predicts the Salinity Sodicity Toxic-solute concentration of the soil-water within a simulated crop root zone resulting from the use of a... -
Nitrogen Source Study for Greenhouse gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbo...
Nitrogen Source Study for Greenhouse gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbon Enhancement network in Fort Collins, Colorado Nitrogen fertilization is essential for optimizing... -
NVND Study for Greenhouse gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbon Enhanceme...
NVND Study for Greenhouse gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbon Enhancement network in Sidney, Montana Management practices, such as irrigation, tillage, cropping system,... -
Irrigator Pro for Peanuts
Irrigator Pro is an expert system designed to provide irrigation scheduling recommendations based on scientific data resulting in conservation minded irrigation management. The... -
Irrigator Pro for Cotton
Irrigator Pro is an expert system designed to provide irrigation scheduling recommendations based on scientific data resulting in conservation minded irrigation management. The... -
Irrigator Pro for Corn
Irrigator Pro is an expert system designed to provide irrigation scheduling recommendations based on scientific data resulting in conservation minded irrigation management. The... -
Irrigator Pro
Irrigator Pro is an expert system designed to provide irrigation scheduling recommendations based on scientific data resulting in conservation minded irrigation management. The... -
Cotton Irrigation Tool
Dropping Ogallala aquifer levels and changing commodity prices and energy costs make irrigation management an important but uncertain issue to west Texas cotton producers. For... -
Agroecological classes | 2018
https://www.reacchpna.org/sites/default/files/AR3_1.2.pdf Pixel classification: Classification, Stable, Dynamic, Unstable Urban, 1, 101, 202 Rangeland, 3, 103, 203 Forest, 4,... -
Quick Stats Agricultural Database
Quick Stats is the National Agricultural Statistics Service's (NASS) online, self-service tool to access complete results from the 1997, 2002, 2007, and 2012 Censuses of... -
Water Right Diversions (NHD events)
Spatial representation of surface water points of diversion locations as interpreted from water-right documents, including (but not limited to) water-right certificates,... -
EBID Groundwater Data
Groundwater quality and quantity monitoring sites in the Elephant Butte Irrigation District. -
PVACD Website
The Pecos Valley Artesian Conservancy District (PVACD) website for water level reports, graphs and more. -
A hydrogeologic investigation of Curry and Roosevelt counties, New Mexico - O...
A s part of development of a regional source water protection plan, in 2015–2016, the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources performed a technical review of existing... -
Carlsbad Irrigation District
Carlsbad Irrigation District links and information -
WRRI Technical Reports
Numerous technical reports related to water in New Mexico regions -
USDA Census of Irrigation
The 2018 Irrigation and Water Management Survey (formerly called the Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey) is a follow-on to the 2017 Census of Agriculture by the U.S. Department of... -
USGS Water Data for the Nation
The U.S. Geological Survey maintains national data bases of water-use information. The data are collected and compiled every five years for each State, the District of Columbia,... -
Global Irrigated Area Mapping (GIAM)
This site presents results of IWMI's first attempt to map global irrigated and rainfed croplands for the nominal year of 2000 using satellite images. The products include 10 km... -
The Global Reservoir and Dam Database
The Global Reservoir and Dam Database, Version 1, Revision 01 (v1.01) contains 6,862 records of reservoirs and their associated dams with a cumulative storage capacity of 6,197...