Population by Administrative Region and Gender
Explore the Saudi Arabia population dataset by administrative region, nationality, and sex. Gain insights into demographic trends with SAMA Annual data. Population, region,... -
Real Estate Indices by Regions and Sectors
Explore real estate price indices by regions in Saudi Arabia. This dataset includes information on apartment, villa, agricultural land, commercial centers, and more. Find... -
Car Plates Issued By Type of Vehicle and Region
This datasets contains information about Car plates issued by vehicle and Region, for 2017-2019. Data is from General Statistics of Authority. -
Number of New Individual Proprietorships By Region
Explore the dataset on the number of new individual proprietorships by region in Saudi Arabia. Get insights and analysis on the SAMA Annual data. Click to learn more! region,... -
Energy Consumption and Number of Customers by Region
This dataset contains Saudi Arabia Energy sales and number of consumers by region for (SEC - MARAFIQ) Co. for 2005 - 2019. Data from Electricity and Cogeneration Regulatory...