Homogenisierte Datenbasis des Klimas für den Alpenraum sowie die Umgebung in Mitteleuropa -
ÖKS15 30y-mean of Precipitation Indices: cwd-sum-days-1971-2000-seasonal-mean
30 year mean of the seasonal sum of all days during periods with total precipitation amount >= 1mm -
ÖKS15 30y-mean of Precipitation Indices: cwd-sum-days-1971-2000-annual-mean
30 year mean of the annual sum of all days during wet periods (wet period: 3 days with total precipitation amount >= 1mm) -
ÖKS15 Precipitation Climate Indices: rr1_95pct_1961_2010_annual
annual precipitation threshold on wet days for the 95th percentile -
ÖKS15 Precipitation Climate Indices: rr1_90pct_1961_2010_seasonal
seasonal precipitation threshold on wet days for the 90th percentile -
ÖKS15 30y-mean of Precipitation Indices: rr1-moderate-1971-2000-seasonal-mean
30 year mean of the seasonal number of days with precipitation amount rr1_30pct <= rr1 < rr1_60pct -
ÖKS15 Precipitation Climate Indices: rr1_1961_2010_annual
annual number of wet days -
ÖKS15 30y-mean of Precipitation Indices: rr1-98pct-1971-2000-annual-mean
30 year mean of the annual precipitation threshold on wet days for the 98th percentile -
ÖKS15 30y-mean of Precipitation Indices: rr1-extreme-1971-2000-seasonal-mean-...
30 year mean of the seasonal number of days with precipitation amount rr1 >= rr1_98pct -
ÖKS15 Precipitation Climate Indices: rr1_severe_1961_2010_annual
annual number of days with precipitation amount rr1_95pct <= rr1 < rr1_98pct -
ÖKS15 Precipitation Climate Indices: sdii_1961_2010_annual
annual simple daily precipitation intensity -
ÖKS15 Precipitation Climate Indices: cdd_sum_days_1961_2010_seasonal
seasonal sum of all days during periods with total precipitation amount < 1mm that last more than 6 days -
ÖKS15 Precipitation Climate Indices: rr1_heavy_1961_2010_seasonal
seasonal number of days with precipitation amount rr1_90pct <= rr1 < rr1_95pct -
ÖKS15 Precipitation Climate Indices: rx1day_1961_2010_monthly
monthly highest one-day precipitation amount -
ÖKS15 30y-mean of Precipitation Indices: rr1-moderate-1971-2000-annual-mean
30 year mean of the annual number of days with precipitation amount rr1_30pct <= rr1 < rr1_60pct -
ÖKS15 30y-mean of Precipitation Indices: rr-1971-2000-seasonal-mean
30 year mean of the seasonal precipitation amount -
ÖKS15 30y-mean of Precipitation Indices: rr1-severe-1971-2000-annual-mean
30 year mean of the annual number of days with precipitation amount rr1_95pct <= rr1 < rr1_98pct -
ÖKS15 Precipitation Climate Indices: rr1_30pct_1961_2010_annual
precipitation_threshold_on_wet_days_for_the_30th_percentile -
ÖKS15 30y-mean of Precipitation Indices: rr1-60pct-1971-2000-seasonal-mean
30 year mean of the seasonal precipitation threshold on wet days for the 60th percentile -
ÖKS15 30y-mean of Precipitation Indices: rx5day-1971-2000-annual-mean
30 year mean of the seasonal highest one-day precipitation amount