Total basal area
Sum of the stem cross-section areas of all living and dead trees and shrubs starting at 12 cm dbh at a height of 1.3 m (dbh measurement height). Citation: Abegg, M.; Brändli,... -
Total basal area NFI1
Sum of stem cross-section areas at a height of 1.3 m (dbh measurement height) of all living and dead trees and shrubs starting at 12 cm dbh recorded according to the NFI1... -
Number of woody species (from 40 cm height)
Number of species of living trees and shrubs starting at 40 cm plant height that occur within a 200 m2 sample plot. Citation: Abegg, M.; Brändli, U.-B.; Cioldi, F.; Fischer,... -
Basal area
Sum of the stem cross-section areas of all living trees and shrubs starting at 12 cm dbh (standing and lying) at a height of 1.3 m (dbh measurement height). Citation: Abegg,... -
Forest area
The forest area is the total sum of all areas classified as forest according to NFI’s forest definition. The forest definition includes shrub forest. This theme is also used to...