HSA09 - House Construction Cost Index
House Construction Cost Index -
HSM01 - ESB Connections
ESB Connections -
HSM09 - House Construction Cost Index
House Construction Cost Index -
HSQ08 - House Loans Approved and Paid
House Loans Approved and Paid -
HSQ01 - ESB Connections
ESB Connections -
HSA06 - Average Price of Houses
Average Price of Houses -
HSA07 - Social and Affordable Provision
Social and Affordable Provision -
HSQ13 - Local Authority Loan Arrears
Local Authority Loan Arrears -
HSQ11 - ESB Connections
ESB Connections -
HSA01 - ESB Connections
ESB Connections -
HSQ06 - Average Price of Houses
Average Price of Houses -
HSM10 - New House Guarantee Registrations
New House Guarantee Registrations -
HSM12 - Commencement Notices
Commencement Notices -
HSA11 - ESB Connections
ESB Connections -
HSA08 - House Loans Approved and Paid
House Loans Approved and Paid -
NBEREL01 - Non-Domestic Electricity Consumption
Non-Domestic Electricity Consumption -
TMEGB05 - Median Residential Electricity and Gas Bill Costs
Median Residential Electricity and Gas Bill Costs -
DBEREL01 - Household Electricity Consumption
Household Electricity Consumption -
MEC02 - Data Centres Metered Electricity Consumption
Data Centres Metered Electricity Consumption -
BEU02 - Business Energy Use in Million Euro
Business Energy Use in Million Euro