Toxic Releases from Facilities, RSEI Model (Outdated)
This layer displays the toxicity-weighted concentrations of chemical releases to air from facility emissions and off-site incineration averaged over a three-year period... -
NOx-Diesel Emissions, Annual Tons/Km2 (Outdated)
This measure represents exposure to diesel emissions (NOx). This data is from the Washington State Department of Ecology's 2014 Comprehensive Emissions Inventory. The basis of... -
NOx-Diesel Emissions, Annual Tons/Km2 (Current Version)
This measure represents exposure to diesel emissions (NOx). This data is from the Washington State Department of Ecology's 2014 Comprehensive Emissions Inventory. The basis of... -
Toxic Releases from Facilities, RSEI Model (Current Version)
This layer displays the toxicity-weighted concentrations of chemical releases to air from facility emissions and off-site incineration averaged over a three-year period... -
PM2 5 Concentration (Outdated)
This layer represents the three year mean concentration of annual PM2.5 for 2009-2011 from AIRPACT. A detailed description can be found here:... -
Proximity to Hazardous Waste (Outdated)
This layer represents the count of all commercial Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDF) facilities within 5 km, divided by distance, presented as... -
Populations near Heavy Traffic Roadways (Outdated)
This layer represents exposure to traffic-related air pollution, which has been associated with adverse health effects such as cardiovascular disease mortality, respiratory... -
Ozone Concentration (Outdated)
This layer represents the three year mean concentration of daily maximum 8-hour rolling averaged ozone for 2009-2011 from AIRPACT. A detailed description is available here:... -
EHD Environmental Effects, Theme Ranking (Outdated)
This layer represents a combined ranking of Lead Risk, Proximity to Hazardous Waste Facilities, NPL Sites, Proximity to RMP Facilities and Wastewater Discharge. More... -
Proximity to National Priorities List Facilities (Outdated)
This layer represents the count of sites proposed and listed on the National Priorities List (NPL), directly downloaded from EJSCREEN in 2017. A detailed description is... -
Proximity to Risk Management Plan Facilities (Outdated)
This layer represents the proximity of facilities with a Risk Management Plan (RMP) by displaying the count of facilities within 5 km of a tract divided by the distance of the... -
Ozone Concentration (Current Version)
This layer represents the three year mean concentration of daily maximum 8-hour rolling averaged ozone for 2009-2011 from AIRPACT. A detailed description is available here:... -
PM2 5 Concentration (Current Version)
This layer represents the three year mean concentration of annual PM2.5 for 2009-2011 from AIRPACT. A detailed description can be found here:... -
EHD Environmental Exposures, Theme Ranking (Outdated)
This layer represents a combined ranking of Diesel Emissions, Ozone, PM 2.5, Traffic and Toxic Releases. -
EHD Environmental Exposures, Theme Ranking (Current Version)
This layer represents a combined ranking of Diesel Emissions, Ozone, PM 2.5, Traffic and Toxic Releases. -
PARKS - Vegetation Surveys
* Data last updated February 6th, 2019, with data for surveys carried out in 2018 for the following parks: Burrows Island, Ginkgo Petrified Forest, Jones Island, South Whidbey,... -
Environmental Health Disparities, Overall Ranking (Outdated)
This layer represents the overall ranking for Environmental Exposures, Environmental Effects, Socioeconomic Factors and Sensitive Populations. More information is available... -
Lead Risk From Housing (Outdated)
This layer represents the number and percent of housing units built before 1980, including single homes and multiple residence units such as apartments. A detailed description... -
Proximity to Wastewater Discharge (Outdated)
This layer represents toxicity-weighted concentration in stream reach segments within 500 meters of a block centroid, divided by distance in meters, presented as the... -
Environmental Health Disparities, Overall Ranking (Current Version)
This layer represents the overall ranking for Environmental Exposures, Environmental Effects, Socioeconomic Factors and Sensitive Populations. More information is available...