Western USA Assessment of High Value Materials in Geothermal Fluids and Produ...
This submission includes the following: - Field Characteristics: Describes the geological and production field characteristics of sampling sites - Geochemistry of... -
Western USA Assessment of High Value Materials in Geothermal Fluids and Produ...
This report documents the results of investigations dealing with the concentrations and availabilities of strategic, critical and valuable materials (SCVM) in produced waters... -
Mineralogy of Drill Cuttings Beowawe, Dixie Valley and Roosevelt Hot Springs
Mineralogical, lithological, and geospatial data of drill cuttings from exploration production wells in Beowawe, Dixie Valley and Roosvelt Hot Springs. These data support whole... -
Nevada Production and Injection Well Data for Facilities with Flash Steam Plants
Files contain a summary of the production and injection data submitted by the geothermal operators to the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology over the period from 1985 thru 2009 -
Mineralogical and Lithological Data from Great Basin Geothermal Systems
Mineralogical and lithological data from core samples taken at various geothermal wells in the Great Basin: Dixie Valley, Beowawe, Roosevelt, Mammoth, Steamboat Springs, Coso